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Sasuke released the genjutsu he ran to a corner as he vomited, the cold breeze was felt through his body. so many times he made mistakes and this one was the biggest one. letting her go, playing with her emotions. he wanted a relationship with his kids. he missed 14 years of their life as someone else raised them to be men when it should have been him! their eyes were locked on one another. " I want to meet them," he said breaking the silence that threatened to swallow them whole. Hinata agreed she could see that behind those cold eyes were sadness, regret, and pain. she could see that the years had not been kind to him as he looked tired and alone.

As they went back inside they were met by Hiashi, he had two Hyuga guards with him. " I'm taking the child," he said in a demanding tone. he and the guards stepped closer to Shisui, his Byakugan activated, Sasuke also active his Sharingan "you're not taking my son anywhere!" " he is to be the next heir of the Hyuga!" Hinata looked at her father " over my dead body!" Hiashi gave Hinata a sinister smile. " that could be arranged" before anyone else said anything else Rukia had cut both of the guards down. she was tired of this place all she saw was how terrible everyone treated her mother. the room was stunned " now old man you're not taking my brother anywhere." she said as she wiped her blade. Naruto quickly called a medic to save the two guards. Kakashi was impressed she moved so fast that no one saw it coming. " its to bad you didn't inherit our clans Kekkei Genkai, you have the makings of a true leader." Rukia smiled "thanks old man, I take after our father" 

Dawn was about to break, Sakura was worried. Naruto hadn't come home. she got her kids ready along with herself, she made her way to his office. when she opened the door her heart stopped, she saw two teenage boys that were the spitting image of Sasuke. they weren't the only ones she was surprised to see. she saw Hinata was there too, rage slowly consumed her. Sakura was thin and beautiful, as always. Hinata could see the rage in her emerald eyes. "what's going on?" she asked to the room full of people. " Sakura, what are you doing here this late?" asked Naruto with a stupid grin on this face. the sun slowly rose through the windows. " Hinata, when did you get back?" she said as her eyes scanned the twins. one of which had the Byakugan. her anger threaten to spill. "last night." she said as she tried leaving. " I expect to see all of you back at the Hyuga compound," said Hiashi as he left. Ace looked at the woman with the pink hair, the way her eyes seemed to almost swallow his mother whole. "we're leaving now!" said Shisui breaking the awkward silence in the room. Sasuke stopped them at the door, "you're not going anywhere." said Sasuke. he felt like he was in a house of mirrors when he looked at the twins. "why should we listen to you old man?" "because I'm your father." 

Sakura felt her knees buckle, when did this happen? she was so worried about Hinata hating her for marrying Naruto but here she was with twins by Sasuke! she believed that she had betrayed her friend all these years! " who's your mother?" asked Sakura already knowing the answer. "Hinata." replied a breathtaking beauty with green hair. " what about the boys?" Naruto looked at his wife, "why does it matter?" he said almost burning a hole in her soul. " was this the reason you wouldn't reach out to me while we were dating!"  Sakura snapped as she turned to face Sasuke. "no." was all Sasuke could say, he didn't need to explain himself. " It was nice to see you Sakura," said Hinata as she and her kids left. Naruto tried to wrap his arms around his wife but she was too shocked, that she pushed him away and left without saying a word. 


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Hinata had no reason to stay in the village, so they all headed for the gate but Sasuke stopped them. " I want to get to know you." the twins also wanted to know the man that stood in front of them. Rukia's blood was boiling, she felt as if her father meant nothing to them. how could they forget him so quickly!? she knew that Zoro was only her dad, she wasn't dumb like her uncle Luffy. Hinata grabbed her daughters' hand " I miss him too." she said squeezing her hand tightly.

Hinata made her choice, " Ace, Shisui you can stay with him and get to know him, but Rukia and I are going back to the ship." she said smiling. " there isn't anything here for me anymore." Sasuke stood tall in front of her. "what about your team? and your Sensai, Kurenai?" Hinata missed them but it would be too much for her to bear.  before she could finish her thoughts, a head full of gold rays ran into Rukia, it was Naruto and Sakura's son Heihachi. " I'm sorry", he said stunned by the beauty he had run into. he helped her up, ignoring the people that seemed to stare at them. "you idiot!" yelled the girl with the beautiful green hair that seemed to levitate in the air.

 "you idiot!" yelled the girl with the beautiful green hair that seemed to levitate in the air

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Heihachi noticed Sasuke and quickly asked "uncle Sasuke! do you know this beautiful girl?" a small blush could be seen on his face. the twins shot death glares at the kid and Hinata couldn't help but laugh at the irony of the situation. Rukia looked at the poor blonde with uninterested eyes. Sasuke wasn't interested in the girl, he could care less for the daughter of the man that made Hinata forget about him. " that's our sister twerp, so watch it!" replied the twins in unison. "so are you going to be staying in the village?" he asked. his smile was Naruto's but his eyes, where his mother's, Sakuras'. Rukia looked at the boy " No, there is nothing here for us." she said as she started leaving when she felt her hand being pulled back " can I at least know your name?"

Kakashi arrived out of nowhere, "listen Hinata, Tsunade wants to see you later today, there are still some questions we need to ask you." he said with a smile under his mask. "in the meantime, I have arranged a stay at an inn for all of you."

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