Sasuke Uchiha

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Arriving quickly the Anbu surrounded Hinata and her family. Naruto stood tall and proud in front of her. he was now the Hokage and would do anything to protect the village. his face quickly faded from that soft warm look to that of rage. " is this why you left!" he said in a mocking tone. "escort them to the Hokage tower". the humiliation Hiashi felt for the disgrace Hinata had caused made his blood boil. he couldn't believe she had stained his good name with that of a traitor. Hanabi had failed him and the clan since she wasn't able to conceive heirs. he had a plan to place the birdcage seal on Shisui, he would be the next heir to the Hyuga.

In the interrogation room, Hinata was held without her kids. Naruto had separated them, he sent a clone to tell his wife he would be home late. a wave of strange anger, filled Naruto as he looked at Hinata. "was your love a lie!" he said almost screaming at her. hearing Naruto now made her see how truly broken he was. just as she was, only she felt somewhat whole despite the death of her beloved. 

she had been tied to a chair, her face still bloody and swollen. as she got ready to speak she felt a smack against her face. Naruto had hit her "why would you bring them here!?" he said. spitting out blood she looked at him, she looked into those blue eyes that once made her faint, were now causing her pain. tears slowly started to fill her lilac eyes, "when we came back from the moon you told me you would always love Sakura" she said trying to hold back the tears and that knot that filled her throat making it hard to swallow. Naruo's face started to look more in raged at her words. "so you thought it would be ok to seduce my best friend!?" 

"It's not like that Naruto, she said" before she could finish her thoughts Naruto smacked her again. leaving her and taking his anger with him. he went to check on her child, no Sasukes' children. he called the Anbu to bring him their bags, Shikamaru walked in. Naruto looked at him, at this point he was almost seething with anger. "leave Shikamaru! that's an order!" Shikamaru was taken back but did what he was told. it was too much of a drag at the moment. Kakashi went to see Rukia in a different interrogation room. he looked at her mesmerized, "where's my family!?" yelled Rukia. he approached her and slowly placed his hand on top of her head. Rukia tried moving her head. " I won't hurt you, I knew your mother growing up," he said with a smile under his mask. "then let us go!" she squirmed, "that's for our Hokage to decide".  he said as he left her alone with her anger. he went to find Naruto who was going through the twins' bags. he found a wanted poster of a man who had green hair like the girl. besides that all he found were clothes. "why are they here?!" he yelled. he couldn't understand his anger. "Naruto, why are you so mad?" "because she lied!" Kakashi looked at Naruto confused "lied about what?". Naruto threw the bag with the twins' belongings against the wall " about... loving me." silence filled the room almost swallowing them. " the one girl that said she truly loved me, has twins with my best friend!" he said as he slammed his fist on the desk.

 " the one girl that said she truly loved me, has twins with my best friend!" he said as he slammed his fist on the desk

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Shikamaru left the office as he was told, he thought Naruto and Sakura were fighting again. they were both workaholics and Naruto often tried to convince Sakura to stay home and take care of their kids. as he walked home he heard Ino's voice, "Shikamaru!" "Why are you using your transmission Jutsu? what's wrong?" "there was a disturbance tonight with two unknown chakras and a third one was Hinatas" Shikamaru stopped walking and turned around, he walked into the interrogation room where Hinata was being held. her face was bloody and swollen, her hands and feet were tied. Hinata didn't speak but her eyes did, they were filled with tears. he was stunned for the first time he didn't have a plan. as he was about to untie her he was stopped by the Anbu. 

Naruto went to see the twins who had chakra restraints, "why are you here?" Naruto said trying to hold back his anger. his 9 tails chakra was slowly seeping out. Shisui spat in Naruto's face " where is our mother!?" Naruto was about to strike the boy when someone stopped him, it was Sasuke. "I will end you Naruto!" he said grabbing Naruto's hand." Naruto looked at Sasuke, for the first time in his life he saw a softness in his eyes as he looked at the twins. "did you know!?" asked Naruto, now facing Sasuke. " no, let them go. this is between you and me." Naruto agreed and went to free Hinata and the girl. Sasuke stayed with the twins, his eyes examined them. he was so proud, they both resembled them. however, there were things he didn't understand.

Shisui and Ace looked at the man standing in front of them. he was tall and had a darkness about him. Rukia and Hinata walked in along with Shikamaru who was left speechless when he saw the twins. " I thought I told you to leave Shikamaru?" said Naruto as he freed the boys. Sasuke looked at Hinata, her face was covered in blood and her lip was busted. " mom your face!" said Ace with a tone full of anger. his bloodline activated revealing his Sharingan, Sasuke also activated his ready for anything. the village came first, Hinata quickly grabbed her children and hugged them. "we're leaving" she said before anything else happens.  " you're not going anywhere!" said Sasuke as he held Hinata by her wrist. "you owe me an explanation" freeing herself from his grip she looked at him. "fine, tomorrow morning." "No! now!" the twins quickly stood between them. " I need to shower and eat" " then you will be staying with me until I get my answers" before she could answer, Sasuke wrapped his arm around her giving her a hug basking in her scent. 

Hi friends, thank you all for your comments and votes. I will try my best to upload once more before this year ends.

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