Past mistakes

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warning: Boruto spoilers.

Sakura sat in front of the lake where Sasuke had spent most of his childhood. she couldn't throw everything away now, she was a mother. in her mind, they still had a chance to rekindle their love.  she thought she was happy but seeing Hinata with him and her kids these past few weeks brought out a side she didn't know she had. she believed now that, maybe she did make a mistake marrying Naruto. even though he was a wonderful father, their relationship lacked passion, it was boring and stale. she had asked Sasuke to meet her there, she wanted to know if he loved Hinata. " what is it Sakura?" his voice still gave her body chills. " do you love her?" Sasuke looked at the beautiful strong woman that stood in front of him. " why does that matter?" her eyes looked up at him, after all these years he still made her blush. " because I don't see why you picked her and not me." she was now holding his gaze as she leaned in to hold his hand. " aren't you happy with him?" there was a small hint of alcohol on his breath. her face was now red and her eyes were wide. " I just wonder about us, sometimes." Sasuke turned around releasing her hand and walked away without a word, romance wasn't in him. she always tried to change him, even though she knew how he truly was. falling in love isn't for everyone. he used to think about her too but now the only thing on his mind was the twins. he was so proud of how skilled they both were but it made him miss those small moments even more.

Hinata sat at BBQ with team 8 and her kids, Kiba couldn't believe it. how did this happen?  Shino was also troubled. they ate in silence for a while, Rukia wasn't anything like how Hinata was at that age. she was outspoken, and wasn't afraid to let Kiba know he smelled like a wet dog, and Shino having bugs was gross. " you know for being Hinata's kid you sure are rude." Kiba said Hinata gave Rukia a death glare, " I'm sorry uncle Kiba and uncle Shino." she said with a fake smile on her face. the twins laughed, "So how do you like Sasuke?" Ace looked at Kiba he deiced he didn't like him very much. Shisui on the other hand thought he resembled Bartolomeo, who was always asking invasive questions. " Sasuke is a great ninja." "and what about as a father?" Shino elbowed Kiba, he always had a big mouth with no filter. the twins didn't respond, they didn't know the answer yet.

later that day Sasuke and Hinata ran into each other, "I had a right to know, you kept my children from me for 14 years!" Hinata bit her bottom lip she felt guilty " I did what I thought was best at the time." Sasuke ran his hand through his hair  "why didn't you come back?" Hinata looked into his eyes "Why did you play with my emotions?" Sasuke was at a loss for words. "You made me believe you loved me" the village seemed quiet as if it was trying to listen. "this had nothing to do with you!" he said in a rage. the air in her lungs seemed to disappear, the truth was finally coming out. " then what was it about?" "at the time I just wanted to beat Naruto, and taking you was easy!" their conversation was so heated and heartbreaking they didn't notice the other two people listening. Sasuke took out his Katana and aimed right for Hinata, she doged it. Hinata activated her twin lion's fists. there was regret and sorrow that filled their hearts, Sasuke wasn't in the right state of mind. the alcohol had blinded him, after years of wanting Hinata back at this moment he just wanted her dead. "everything you put me through, you call that easy!?" "you kidnapped me when I was 16 and treated me like your house pet!" Sasuke looked at her, she had a few cuts on her not enough to be fatal. "grow the fuck up Hinata! the only reason you got in bed with me was to spite Naruto!" "fuck you! you think everything and everyone has to pick either you or Naruto, we're not children anymore." Sasuke ran towards her, grabbing her by the nape of her hair. "then why did you sleep with me?" Hinata managed to give herself a little distance from him "because I fell for you, and then you broke my heart." without another word Sasuke left, leaving nothing but unanswered questions and pain. 

as Hinata was packing she heard a knock on her door, it was her father. "listen Hinata, it is your duty to the clan and to your son to be placed as heir." "NO! he will not be in the same hostile and unloving environment I was raised in!" Hiashi was now an old man but he still had that cold look in his eyes. "it's his duty to the clan, now that you are widowed they are Hyugas!" before Hinata could answer the twins appeared. "I have no interest in you or your clan," said Shisui. Even in old  age, Hiashi was a cold stubborn man, "then fight me for the right to leave." Shisui smiled at the old man "If I win you will never bother us again." "Very well, tomorrow at dawn." 

Sasuke had decided that he needed to fix the past, his life was a mess, and the woman he loved got away. He had been on a mission finding clues on the Otsutsuki. On one of those missions, he found a ninja tool that can take you back to the past. He planned on making Hinata his wife and fixing all his mistakes with her. The only setback was that it required a lot of chakra. As he prepared to leave a ship filled with notorious pirates was approaching. Luffy had waited long enough and needed to see his family.

Hello friends! I'm writing this from my phone so please let me know if there are any mistakes. As always I appreciate you all. Please comment and vote 🙂

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