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Tsunade sat at her desk with her hands intertwined, with her chin resting on them. Kakashi was also there along with Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke. the twins sat in front of Tsunade and Rukia stood next to her mother. Tsunade with her eyebrow raised spoke, "I thought you were going to take care of the problem." Sasuke's blood boiled, " you knew!? you old hag!? Sakura was also shocked that her master knew. " I chose a different path," Hinata said smiling as she held her necklace. 

Sakura wanted to be a part of the meeting, she felt betrayed. she wanted to know when this started and how. why her? she was happy with Naruto but she also thought about Sasuke from time to time. she felt the love she had for Sasuke was eternal. he wasn't romantic but when he did show affection it was everything to her. but now, here sat Hinata who never once worried about Sasuke the way she did. life wasn't fair! "do you love her?!" yelled Sakura. it had been years since those thoughts plagued her mind, thoughts of him. thoughts of them, the twins seemed to scan her. those eyes that were deadly and yet so kind.

 Naruto felt his heartache a little it reminded him of when they were kids, how Sakura always put the Uchiha first. " what is this meeting really about?" was all Sasuke responded ignoring Sakura's question. " We want to make sure you and your children are not a threat to the village, " said Kakashi. " I will evaluate the children and see their combat levels, along with yours." Hinata wanted to leave as soon as possible, it was a mistake coming back. she should have known better. " I understand, we will be leaving shortly after," she said with a smile. " why the rush? it's my understanding your husband just passed correct?" said Kakashi, his eyes focused on the Rukia, who tried her hardest to not slash his throat. it's strange the feeling the old man with gray hair would give her, it made her feel uneasy. there was too much going on for anyone else to notice that predatory look Kakashi had sent Rukia. Sasuke looked at the twins " I will assess them." the twins sat there, they felt like criminals. Sakura still had questions, nothing made sense. she left angry and bitter, she needed to sort out her feelings. Kakashi smiled under his mask and got close to Hinata " I will assess..." "Rukia," said Hinata. Sasuke left leading the twins to team 7's old training grounds, while Kakashi left with Rukia.

 Tsunade, Naruto, and Hinata stayed behind. " were you happy?" asked Tsunade. " very, I lived at sea with wonderful people." "do you plan on going back?" "yes." "what about Sasuke?" " if the children want they can stay but my place isn't here anymore," said Hinata holding her necklace. it was the only thing that gave her peace of mind. " what made you keep them?" Naruto sat silently listing to Tsunade and Hinata talk about the past. a past he wasn't a part of. " the day I left, I met Him." a smile filled her face along with a stray tear that ran down her cheek. " I'm sorry for your loss." " It was my fault, I wasn't strong enough." regret and pain, filled her face she felt like a child again. Tsunade understood that pain too well " your dad wants Shisui to be the next heir to the Hyuga." "I refuse." the door swung open, it was team 8! "Hinata!" yelled Kiba almost throwing her to the ground. Shino was more composed but still ran towards her. " how did you know I was here?" " are you kidding? my nose could tell!" Kiba said with his arms around her. she hadn't changed, her face stayed the same but her eyes told a different story. 

Sasuke was impressed, his boys were quick, and despite Hinata not being an Uchia she had taught Ace quite well. Shisui was a master at Hakke Hasangeki, it was a technique that was used by Neji. he couldn't understand why he was robbed of raising his children, sure he wasn't the best but he still wanted to be there for them. they didn't just know their clan techniques but hand-to-hand combat along with wielding a sword. " how long have you known about me?" he asked as they all sat under a tree as they rested. " since we were 6, mom told us after Rukia kicked our ass in combat." said Shisui. a smile filled their faces as they remembered a simpler time, were Zoro was still alive. " how did you get your tomoes?" " The first I got after mom was shot by the navy, the second when I found out that Zoro wasn't our dad, and the third." Ace sat there quiet for a minute as he looked up at the sky, he thought of the great man that raised him. "when my dad died." Sasuke felt Sharingan activate involuntarily, how dare they refer to a stranger as their dad!

Kakashi watched mesmerized as Rukia's blade was as quick as lighting, she was a beast. the amount of power she was able to control was astonishing. she was able to cut him at least twice. he was impressed. " who taught you how to fight like this?" "my father, he was a great swordsman." Rukia felt uneasy with this man, she didn't like the looks he gave her, almost as if he could read her mind he smile. " don't worry, I won't hurt you." " unless you want me to," he said in a teasing manner. they went back to training, Rukia was able to land a few more hits on Kakashi before he invited her to lunch. " no, thanks." Kakashi smiled " It was great sparing with you." she left without a word but ended up getting lost. she found herself where her brothers were training. she looked on as they seemed to smile, she hadn't seen them smile in months. it hurt but she was happy to know that their pain wouldn't last forever. 

on the grand line the straw hats looked out to sea, the sun seemed to follow them. Luffy thought about Hinata, Rukia, and the twins, he missed them. he also missed Zoro, the crew didn't feel the same. Zoro was the first member he recruited and now he was gone. life was short and time wasn't forever. if Hinata and the kids weren't back in two weeks, he was going to go look for them.

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