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TW: might be a difficult chapter for some.

Naruto had been training harder than ever before for the past two years. when he got back in the village he ran into his teammate Sakura, she was beautiful with green eyes that reminded him of emeralds. Her pink hair made him smile, she was perfect for him in every way. Sakura however didn't care for a romantic relationship with the blonde. her green eyes only saw Sasuke Uchiha's black ones. soon after arriving Naruto met his new teammates Sai and captain Yamato. Tsunade sent them on a mission explaining that Sasuke had been spotted by the village. After two years Naruto and Sakura came face to face with Sasuke. his eyes had always been cold but now they looked dead and uninterested in his old teammates.

Sasuke mockingly asked Naruto about the Hyuga, Naruto being an idiot said "how do you know Neji?" Sasuke knew the blonde was dense but this was even too much for him. Sakura felt like she had been stabbed in the chest there was no way Sasuke was asking about Hinata. "Nevermind," said Sasuke as soon as a fight between himself and Naruto broke out, the snake pervert showed up stopping Sasuke. as they were leaving Sakura yelled at Sasuke " why her?!" He laughed at Sakura, "it has nothing to do with her, one day you'll understand Naruto". 

Naruto still didn't know who they were talking about. "Hyuga? Neji? ...... Hinata." it had finally clicked once they got to the village. both Sakura and Naruto went to report to Tsunade, after finishing their report they went to go get ramen. Sakura couldn't stop thinking about Sasuke and how he asked Naruto about Hinata. she never once saw Hinata or Sasuke talking, it was strange. "hey Naruto, do you know if Sasuke and Hinata are friends?" she asked the blonde as she ate her ramen. Naruto looked at her, he had a constipated look on his face. Naruto thought hard but he didn't know,  he never took notice of Hinata. " I don't know, they could be friends" Sakura sighed how could Naruto not see that Hinata had the biggest crush on him, what an idiot she thought.

About a month had gone by and a tracking team had been summoned. Lady Tsunade informed them that Sasuke had been spotted and was sending them out to get him back. he had killed the snake pervert and was now on the move, team 7,8, and team guy followed the lead that was given to them. they had all split up when they got close to a village. Sasuke sensed the team and saw the Hyuga for the first time since he took her first kiss. he separated her from the others, leading her into the forest where they could be alone. "it's good to see you Hyuga." his eyes were as cold as that day. "Uchiha please come back to the village for Naruto and Sakura, they miss you" he stood in front of her with a smirk on his face "and what about you Hyuga?" she looked at him, she didn't have time for this. "then if you don't come back willingly I'll have to take you back by force" she got into her fighting stance. he laughed at her, she really believed she could take him on in a fight. without hesitation, he kissed her before he knocked the wind out of her.

 knocking her out cold, he planned on leaving her there but something came over him

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 knocking her out cold, he planned on leaving her there but something came over him. he picked her up throwing her over his shoulder, and started walking to his hideout. once he got there, he threw her on his bed. her hair was now long, her skin was soft. he took her oversized jacket, her body had matured. he kissed her neck, nibbling on her ear. Hinata started to stir, when she opened her eyes, she was horrified to see Sasuke on top of her. their eyes locked, he caressed her face with his index finger and ran his thumb over her lips. His hands were rough and his nails had dirt under them, Hinata shifted her body trying to get him off of her. he grabbed her hair by the nape and pulled her back, kissing her for the third time in their lives. Hinata was unable to move, his whole body was now on top of her. she could feel his tongue in her mouth, how he would suck on her lip momentarily. Sasuke finally let her go after about five minutes. he could feel himself losing control, he wasn't a monster but he wanted her to be his. 

he had her tied up, so she wouldn't get far even if she tried to run

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he had her tied up, so she wouldn't get far even if she tried to run. " Sasuke please, let me go." Hinata pleaded with him. "this has nothing to do with you Hyuga" he said to her as he left. he went to meet with his team " why did you bring back that girl?" asked Suigetsu, Karin looked pissed. "that's none of your concern". it had now been an hour and the teams had realized that Hinata was missing. Neji was furious, "how can you two idiots lose her!? he yelled at Kiba and Shino. "us? what about you Neji? aren't you like her bodyguard or something? yelled Kiba. "you don't think that bastard took her!" Naruto stepped in, "no Sasuke wouldn't do that" Neji rolled his eyes, he was getting ready to punch him when guy stopped him. "I think we should go back to the village for now and report this to lady Tsunade" 

later that night Sasuke went to check on Hinata, giving her food and water. he watched her eat and after she was done, he took her to the bathroom first running a shower. he left but only for a moment. he sat there watching the water touch her alabaster skin. he started getting undressed and jumped in the shower with her. "don't even think about escaping, you'll be dead before you even reach outside" Hinata knew he was right but why would he do this to her, what had she done to deserve this? she felt Sasuke body on her back, he kissed her neck. running his hands all over her body. she sobbed silently, the water washing away her tears. he turned her to face him, he kissed her. his left hand holding her face as his right hand cupped her breast. slowly leaving her lips he put one of her breasts in his mouth, his tongue swirling around her areola and then gently biting her nipple. Hinata felt dirty, she prayed someone would hear her and would stop Sasuke. however, her body betread her as a small gasp like moan escaped her lips. Sasuke was ready to make her his after hearing that. she pushed him away, "please don't" her eyes held sadness and so he left. she was escorted back to his room, she laid in it. soon after Sasuke came in and crawled into the bed with her. he cuddled her, smelled her hair, and kissed her forehead. falling for her wasn't a part of his plan. he didn't need that type of commitment. 


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