Chapter 1//Leaving Home

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I sat out looking out the window, wiping away another tear... I was zoned out as I heard my girlfriend Brooke yelling at me in the background. It was a rainy day in Manhattan, New York. It usually pours in August so I wasn't shocked. I held my pointer finger up in hopes that would shut her up. It did thankfully and I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and finally said it... for good this time. "I'm done," I said as I got up and began packing my stuff up. 

     This is the second time I caught Brooke cheating on me. I was sick and tired of defending her to my parents when they would tell me that she was not serious enough and didn't love me. She looked at me with that look she always gave me when she knew she was guilty. The "I'm sorry but I really don't care enough to fight for us" look. She sat there with her arms crossed telling me that I'm being ridiculous and that I'll regret it. I always went back to her after a few days but I was done making a fool out of myself. 

     2 years of our relationship down the drain because she couldn't be committed enough to stay loyal and faithful. I grabbed my last luggage and walked out. It was a rainy day in Manhattan, New York... What's new. It's always raining here and it fucks with my mind most of the time. I needed to go home. No... I needed to get out of this Godforsaken place once and for all. I had bought surprise tickets for me and her to London but after this, I'm not telling her about them. I grabbed the tickets and walked outside. I took one last glance at Brooke who was leaning towards the wall, arms crossed, not even trying to look like she cares. Her blonde hair in a messy bun, and her usual everyday outfit, sweats, and a white t-shirt. I looked away and quickly stuck my hand out for a taxi. 

      I took the first one I could find, and the driver opened the trunk. "I'll take care of your luggages ma'am," he said as he already began putting my luggages in the backseat. I entered the cab and looked out the window as I looked at Brooke. She was looking out the window but she quickly walked away. I zoned out as I began to think about all of the good times, but I knew there were more bad days than good, I just chose to only look at the good. This time I realized how many times a week we argued. It was constant arguments and maybe one good day out of the 7 days of the week. I quickly came back to reality when my cab driver entered and got in the driver's seat. "Where to?" he asked as he looked at me through the rearview mirror. "Oh yeah... Sorry.. 212 Amsterdam Ave, Astoria, New York." He nodded and began to drive. 

      It was about half an hour of a silent drive to my parents' home. When I made it, my dad was already waiting outside for me in the rain. I paid the driver and walked up to my dad. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head. "I told you she was bad news," he said as he grabbed my luggages out of the backseat, and thanked the driver. I rolled my eyes. It's only been about 2 minutes and he's already begun frustrating me. He's always done this, but this time I wasn't defending Brooke anymore. "Yeah... I know, you were right" I said as I started walking inside. We had a weird relationship. We loved each other but we argued constantly but never enough for me to hate him. I knew I could always go back to him if I had to.

      I walked inside, my hair was wet from the rain, but before I knew it, my mom ran up to me, wrapped a towel on me, and then hugged me. "I knew she wasn't the one. She couldn't be. You both were incompatible together." Here we go... I thought to myself. "What are your plans now?" mom asked me as I began to pour myself a glass of homemade lemonade. "I'm going to London alone. I know someone there who could hopefully get me a job at Interpol and I have enough money saved up that I was putting towards me and Brookes's future home." My dad looked at me with that annoying pity look he always gives me whenever he feels bad or knows I'm upset. I acted like I didn't notice and told him I was tired. I went up to my room, changed into something comfortable, and got in bed. I was holding myself together pretty well. It was already 9:03 pm and I had just changed my flight information. I was leaving tomorrow instead of the 8th of august, which was a week from now. I grabbed my already packed luggages and put them towards the door. I said goodnight to my parents and shut my eyes, and once my mind cleared up from asking "are you sure you're making the right choice" over and over again, I finally fell asleep.

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