Chapter 20: Finale <3

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I looked at her confused.

"Declan needs a place to stay... He's only 12... and he needs a guardian... or two..." She said, looking at me.

"Okay? I'd be more than happy to take him in..." I said smiling.

"Yeah?" She said with an even brighter smile.

"Yeah," I said with a gentle laugh.

She kissed me again.

"You should be ready to check out of here... I can go ask the doctors again, and double-check." She said, getting up.

I nodded and laid my head back on the pillow.

"Does this mean we're gonna be moms?" I thought to myself.

My heart melted to the thought of watching Emily run around the house chasing Declan, or teaching him homework, or hiding presents under the tree and saying they're from Santa. I thought about her and me baking cookies with him and keeping them out while writing a note to Santa. I could imagine him walking across that high school auditorium in his cap and gown, smiling and waving right at us.

Emily came back into the room, "You're good to go," She said as she began helping me up out of bed.

I quickly got up and felt her holding me up, in case I fell or got nauseous.

As we walked out of the room, I saw Hotch and the team walk up to us.

I smiled at them and thanked them for saving us.

Hotch nodded and waited till I was finished thanking them.

"I wanted to ask you guys something."

Emily and I looked at each other and back at Hotch.

"Since Doyle is completely gone... Maybe... If you guys want, we would love to add you both to the team in Quantico..."

Emily and I looked at each other and we made a decision with a smile.

We both looked at Hotch and nodded.

"We'd love to," Emily said, as she looked at Declan, who was being pushed outside of his hospital room by JJ in his wheelchair.

I looked at Emily, and she grabbed my hand and kissed me.

"Ready for forever together?" She said smiling.

I nodded, "Ready as I'll ever be." I smiled.

Emily and I got into the first cab we saw, went to our hotel, in which the team followed us and waited as we packed our stuff. After we finished, We drove to the BAU jet, and got on board. We were finally safe at last. Declan was out of danger and had two incredible guardians, and we took off to Quantico.

-Fast Forward 5 years from today-

Emily and I were sitting in the bleachers of a high school auditorium. We were waiting and Emily was severely excited. I looked at the brochure of all the high school graduates and found Declan Prentiss on there. I was a Prentiss too... 3 Years ago, Emily popped the question, and it made me think about how far we've come. We had 2 pet cats, Milo, and Sergio. We had Declan who was a handful at times, but the good times made it worth it, and of course, I cooked, since Emily caught the kitchen on fire twice, but we laughed about it. We bought a house a few months after our wedding and moved out of our apartment. We were finally safe and happy, and we had weekends off to fully spend time with Declan, and when we worked, we were fortunate enough to have my parents live close by to watch Declan and bond with him. Life was great, and it felt like a complete fairy tale. There is no one I would rather have in my life and grow old with than Emily. I was interrupted by the class graduation song and saw Declan walk on stage and give a shy wave at us. We waved back, and I looked at him and back at Emily. I felt the warmth of her hand on top of mine as she grabbed my hand.

"We did that..." She said smiling.

I nodded. "Yes... Yes, we did.." I said smiling.

And the rest was history...

I definitely found what I was looking for on that trip to London... Thank god for those plane tickets and thank god timing was my best friend...


(I hope you guys enjoyed the story and I apologize for the delay in chapters from chapter 16? I think to chapter 17(or 18...) but I hope you all enjoyed reading it! I tried to make it a happy ending for everyone since happy endings are very rare on this app lol. This was a fun story to write, especially since I never write very often, but I enjoyed writing this for you all. Much love, and feel free to follow me on this or on TikTok at bau.Prentiss <3 XOXO - Brit

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