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I was awoken by a loud knock on my door. I quickly got up and checked through the peephole. It was Emily. She looked pissed. Shit... What time is it? Did I sleep past my alarm? 

I quickly opened the door and she walked right in. "Is your ready bag even... Ready?.." She asked angrily. I pointed at my unzipped bag and nodded. She shook her head and sat down on my bed. She began to randomly start going through the clothes in my luggage "What are you doing?" I asked as I watched her throw some random pairs of clothes out of my luggage and onto my bed. She didn't respond, but then she finally uncovered the lingerie. She pulled it out. "What is this for? Meeting anyone special for this trip?" She asked sarcastically. I shook my head. "N-no... I just thought it was g--"

 I was interrupted halfway through my sentence when she told me to put it on. I looked at her confused. "Now?.." Don't we have to go?" I asked. She shook her head. "We're late as is. Put it on now." I looked at her and slowly picked up the lingerie. "Is this really happening?" I thought to myself. I had no idea why she was so determined to make me put on the lingerie, but I began to undress. I felt super embarrassed as I was never a big fan of people seeing ALL of my body, but she looked me up and down about 3 times, and right before I slipped on the lingerie, she stopped me. She got up from my bed, walked over to me, put her thumb on my lips, and got even closer. 

I had no idea what the fuck was going on but I do know I liked it. "Don't put it on" She said, while she looked at my body. I had nothing but my lace underwear on. Everything was tingling at this point and my legs were shaking. I've only ever been with one girl since, and I was terrified out of my mind, but part of me felt like she was going to take the reins on this one. She dragged her hands from my waist, up to my collarbones, and traced them. I didn't say a single word, but my shaky breathing did all the talking. She then looked into my eyes, it's like she was looking into the deepest parts of my soul. I looked down but she quickly picked my chin up with her pointer finger and thumb. 

Next thing I know she's pushing me onto the bed, and getting on top of me. She begins to unbutton her shirt, and I have never seen a sexier woman in my whole entire life. My mind is trying to grasp everything that is going on. Her lips meet mine, and we begin to makeout. She stops and looks up at me, grabbing my hands and putting them above my head. "Don't move them." She says sternly as she begins to slowly kiss my body, lower and lower. Everything was tingling, and I was trying to not move them, but I couldn't help but slowly move them a little bit. She got back up and grabbed my hands tighter. "I said don't move them." She said looking deep into my eyes. I nodded at her and she began to go back down. I then began to hear a knock on my door, and my eyes open.

 "What the hell?" I jump out of bed, realizing that all of that was just a fucking sex dream? About my boss? "Shit y/n, pull yourself together," I mumble to myself as I rub my eyes in hopes that'll help wake me up. I hear the knock again. "Y/n? Hey, It's Emily. Our plane leaves in 45 minutes, and I figured you slept past your alarm." SHIT, I look horrible! "One second" I yell as I throw on some mascara, and blush in the span of 30 seconds. I'm knocking everything over trying to make myself look better than I did a minute ago. I throw on a pair of black jeans, a gray lowcut shirt, and a black blazer. I spray my perfume on and quickly zip my ready bag up. I then ran to the door and opened it. I was greeted by Emily's smile. "Hey, you." She said gently. "Hey... I'm so sorry... I did tell you I'd be there..." I said embarrassed. This is the second time I have made myself look bad to her, AND I'VE ONLY MET HER TWICE, but she didn't seem to care. "It happens, I've slept past my alarm a few times in my first year working here, and the time zones are different in America versus here in London. It's no big deal, as long as you're ready now."

 I nodded and grabbed my bag. I really couldn't help but look at her lips while she was talking. She was wearing a plum/rose-tone lipstick, and it looked incredible on her... Not to mention she was wearing a red tank top that was lowcut. 

I had a full conversation with my brain at this moment... "Why did Clyde pair me up with her...This was probably a setup by him... No y/n... She needs help on a case... Nothing more... You have issues." I thought to myself. As we began walking down the hallway of my apartment, she pressed the elevator button, turned around, and looked at me. "You look great." She said with a smile. I couldn't help but blush. "I basically just woke up, but thank you. So do you" I smiled. She thanked me and we walked into the elevator. 

Interpol - An Emily Prentiss x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now