Chapter 6// Making It To Paris

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      As we got off the plane, We took a shuttle bus to our hotel. It was gorgeous. We were both greeted by the clerk at the front desk. "Will you guys be staying together or separate?" She asked. I tried to tell the clerk that we were separate but I was cut off by Emily. "Together," she said as she handed the clerk her credit card. I looked at her confused but I didn't ask.

      We got the keys to the hotel and began to walk up to our room. When we got up, I noticed there was only one bed. "We're gonna be sleeping together..." I thought to myself but I definitely wasn't complaining. I took out my toiletries and began to brush my teeth. Once I was finished, I got out and saw Emily with a towel wrapped around her. "My god she is so beautiful." I thought to myself. "I'm gonna jump in the shower," She said as she headed to the bathroom. 

     As she showered, I took my makeup off and began to unpack my clothes and put them away in my drawers. Once I was finished, I put on my silk royal blue robe that I wore over my pajama shorts, and tank top.. I was just about ready to go to bed. I rested my eyes and heard the bathroom door open. I opened one of my eyes and saw Emily with a towel wrapped around her chest and another wrapped around her head. 

     She faced the other way and dropped her towel to the ground. She had the most beautiful body I had ever seen. I closed my eyes in respect of her "privacy" even though we really didn't have much at all, but I couldn't help but sneak in a few extra peaks. She put on a beautiful black lace nightgown and turned around. I acted like I was asleep and I felt her staring at me. I opened my eyes a tiny bit to find her looking at me, but she quickly looked away when she saw that I caught her staring. "Sorry... uhh... you want some water?" She asked. I nodded and she handed me a bottle of water. "We have a big day tomorrow, so we should get some rest." She said with a shy smile. I smiled back and rolled over so that I was laying on my back. 

       I watched her as she walked over to the other side of the bed, and crawled under the covers. We sat there in silence for a few minutes, and I closed my eyes. "Hey, y/n..." She whispered. "Yes, Emily?" I replied. "You are a very beautiful woman.." She said quietly. I smiled and turned to face her. At this point, we were both facing each other laying down. "Thank you... I can say the same about you" I said smiling. I couldn't see her face because of the darkness in the room but It's like I could feel her smile.

      I closed my eyes once again as I thought that was our goodnight until I heard her again. "Hey y/n?" She asked for me again. "Yes, Emily?" I replied. "Thanks for listening to me today on the plane, and encouraging me that we'll find Doyle... I didn't realize how much I needed that." I smiled again. "Of course, now get some sleep because I'm sure you're exhausted," I said as I looked at her shadow lying next to me. I heard her yawn and roll over on her back. "Goodnight y/n," she said quietly. "Goodnight," I said, still looking and admiring her. 

         I couldn't believe I was lying next to one of the most beautiful women in the world... Everything about her was beautiful. Her smile, her side profile, her body, her personality, her hair, her voice. I felt at home around her, and I wanted to be with her constantly. I'm falling fast for her, and I'm really hoping that she feels the same way. She has a problem trusting people, Clydes already told me that, and I could see it... But I hope one day I could gain that trust. I closed my eyes, but couldn't stop thinking about her. She was laying right next to me, and it all felt like a dream.... I really wanted to lay on her chest or hear her heartbeat, but instead, I scooted myself close enough to her to feel her body heat, and finally went to sleep. 

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