Chapter 9// PLEASURE**

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The next thing I knew she put both of her hands on my cheek and put her lips against mine. Afterward, she quickly pulled away to see my reaction. I was left speechless and out of breath.

"I'm sorry...I've been wanting to do that since we first got here..." She said looking down.

    My face was red, and the whole room felt hot.

"The only reason I'm mad is because you stopped..." I said quietly. She looked back up at me and smiled. She stroked her fingers through my wet hair and began to gently tug on it as she pulled me in closer. She pressed her lips against mine once again, and I began to taste the alcohol on her tongue. She then tugged on my hair once more, and began to kiss and suck on my neck. My body went weak as soon as she did. She pushed me down on the bed and got on top of me.

"Are you sure you're okay with this?" She said, staring deep into my eyes.

"I should be asking you the same thing.." I said, looking in her eyes with a slight bit of seriousness.

She smiled. "I have been wanting to do this for an incredibly long time y/n." She said as she kissed me passionately.

It was a passion I have been longing for my whole life and I was getting it from the most beautiful woman in the world.

"Emily..We shouldn't" you said hesitant as you knew she may regret this in the morning. "You might regret this in the mor—" but Emily kissed you before you could finish your sentence.

She stopped and looked into your eyes. "I promise, I won't." She said as she continued kissing you.

I took a breath and nodded.

she pressed her lips back onto mine, this time rougher than before. She began to kiss my neck and my collarbones. I couldn't help but let out a soft moan.

Part of me felt like it was a dream, part of me felt like it was real. Whatever it was, I never wanted it to end. I began to move my hips towards her and she started kissing me from my chest to my stomach through my nightgown. I quickly pulled her head back up and began to kiss her again. The taste of her kiss was so addicting, I needed another dose. She pulled away, once again staring deep into my soul.

"Y/n... you are literally so beautiful... Every inch of you." She said passionately.

I saw her suck on her pointer finger, and felt it as it slowly made its way down. She began to kiss me again, and I felt her fingers slowly slide inside of me. My whole body was shaking at this point and I couldn't help but let out another moan.

"Fuck... Emily... I—" I said trying to keep myself from screaming.

She bit my bottom lip as I did, and continued kissing me. I then felt her take it out and prepare her middle finger. She sucked on both of them and looked at me. She slid her fingers down my body, to the side of my thighs and I felt it again, with even more pleasure. I arched my back and lifted my head, but she pushed me back down.

"Still good?" She asked

I nodded. "Still very...good," I said

I began to breathe even faster and I felt her go faster.

She put her hands across me, made me sit up, pulled my nightgown off, and pushed me back down on the bed. She started kissing me, then her lips pressed into my neck, down to my collarbones, then to my chest, my stomach, she kissed my waist, and made it to my thighs. She looked up at me, as I laid back. Then she began eating me out. I moaned loudly, as I put one hand over my mouth, biting the top of my hand to stop me from screaming, and the other grabbing the sheets. She watched my chest rise, and then fall back down as I continued moaning. My legs went weak, my body covered in goosebumps, She found the perfect spot making me scream and cum.

"My god y/n... You are so fucking beautiful." She said looking at me.

As she stayed on top of me, She bent down a bit and our lips pressed against her. It was the most passionate make-out I had ever had with anyone. I've really only been with one person before her, but I truly feel so much passion between the two of us.

She rolled over from being on top of me, and we both laid there, breathing hard. She looked at me, and I looked at her... We stared at each other for a few seconds and then busted out laughing.

"You were good," I said, smiling at her. She laughed

"judging by how loud you were... I believe you.. and I'll take that credit." She said. She leaned in to kiss me, then turned off the night lamp.

"Did you set an alarm?" She asked.

"Yes, I did," I replied.

"Good." She said as she got closer to me.

I laid there looking into the darkness of the kitchen. "Did this really just happen?.." I thought to myself.

"Goodnight love," Emily said as she wrapped her right arm around me to pull me closer, kissed my back.

"Goodnight," I said.

Interpol - An Emily Prentiss x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now