Chapter 2//Getting to London

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   My alarm woke me up at 8:30 in the morning, and I quickly got up. I put on a pair of black jeans, threw on a grey tank top, and began my makeup routine. Afterward, I brushed my teeth, and my dad had the car ready and a coffee for the road. We got in the car and began our drive to the airport. It was a pretty silent 5 minutes until my dad finally asked "You think you'll find what you're looking for in London?" I looked at him and shrugged. "I don't know what I'm expecting to find in London, I just need to get away..." I said, looking out the window watching the raindrops slide down my window. 

     There was another pause of silence until he sighed and said "Me and your mom were talking about your happiness... We haven't seen it in a while and we really hope you can find or someone up there that makes you genuinely happy" I looked at him with a half-smile, and he smiled back at me. I then laughed and told him I was done with love but he told me not to give up. 

     The rest of the ride was silent, and we finally made it to the airport. He helped me unload my luggages and I checked them all in, and made it through airport security. Once I boarded my flight, I began to look more into what to expect at Interpol.

 I got a text from my family friend, Clyde Easter, which said "I hear you're on your way to London!" 

"Yes, I am," I replied. 

"Awesome, I'd like to see you first thing in the morning, and we can discuss your position at Interpol." 

I sent a thumbs up to that because we were about to take off. I spent most of the plane ride playing online sudoku and online chess. Once I arrived, it was raining... "Great... More rain" I thought to myself. I took the first taxi I saw to my apartment complex and put a down payment on my apartment. After I got settled in, I finally laid in bed and rested my eyes. The next thing I know, my alarm is going off, and I jump out of bed. I slept with my makeup on?! I jump in the shower and freshen up.

     I quickly threw on some makeup and throw on my gray pantsuit. Fortunately for me, my apartment complex has taxis everywhere, so I took the first one I saw to the Interpol building. Once I got in, Clyde was there and welcomed me with a handshake as it was more professional. It was weird to see him so professional, as I have seen him in his pajamas when he came to visit my parents a few years back. 

    "Y/n! It's great to see you again! I have already talked to the head of Interpol and we have scheduled you in today for a meeting with her." "Whos her?" I thought to myself as I nodded and walked into the doors. He walked me to her office, and the sign on her door stated her name was "Emily Prentiss". I looked at Clyde and he gave me a sign to go in. "I'll be outside." 

      As soon as I walked in, my dumbass tripped and made a fool out of myself. It caught her attention and she quickly got up from her seat and ran over to me to help me up. "You okay??" she asked, with a genuine voice. I quickly got up and looked up at her and I became somewhat speechless as soon as I saw her... She had long black hair and the most gorgeous brown eyes. I literally felt like I couldn't speak. "I-uh... yeah... I'm good... I'm so sorry..." I said as I felt like the biggest idiot in the world. "That was one dramatic entrance," she said with a sarcastic laugh. She had the most perfect smile I had ever seen. "Oh.. it was totally intentional.." I said with a slight smile. She smiled and pulled out a chair. 

     "You're Y/n right? Here, have a seat." I quickly sat down before I could embarrass myself in front of her again. "Again, I am so sorry..." I said, still embarrassed. "You're fine." She said as she sat down at her desk. She became super serious which is understandable but severely intimidating. We discussed my work at the FBI as I had worked for the counter-terrorism department in the past, and Interpol was in need of a new member. "I need a partner to help me with my work here, but I have to be able to count on you.." She said, looking at me with a serious look in her eyes. I looked up at her and nodded. "I-- uh.. I can do that.." I said I was trying not to look intimidated but she was staring into my soul. "You sure about that?... Because I need someone who is firm... confident.. and organized." Her response caught me by surprise, as I quickly looked down. My legs were shaking and I couldn't control my uneasy breathing. "I understand, and I'll do whatever it takes.." I said, afraid of what she was going to say next. "Good... because I need someone reliable. Someone I can go to for any case, any situation, anything. You're here to help me take down the worst serial killer, and terrorist out there." I had no idea what to expect on this job but it wasn't that.. I nodded and told her that I could be that person. "Great. Let's get to work. 

    "The man we are reviewing goes by the name Ian Doyle." When she said his name, it's like she was transparent. It looked like she was terrified of him. She handed me a case file with his name on it, and when I opened it, there were tons of pictures of them together. I looked closer, and then looked up at her. "you guys were close huh?" I said looking back down at the case. "I had a job to do... and I did it." She said sternly. I nodded and realized my response may have came off as rude. "My apologies.. I didn't realize how that came out." She sighed and sat down. "Getting intimate with a killer is so different... I really can't explain it." She said... I looked up at her. I was never a profiler but I could read it on her face. She looked like she had some sort of regret on her face. 

       "I couldn't imagine how difficult it must've been being with him... It's hard not to fall for someone that you get intimate with. I'm sure you did well trying to take him down." She quickly looked down and shook her head as if she was holding something back. "Yeah, it was difficult, but we locked him up." I then realized that she may have fallen in love with a terrorist, but I of course kept my mouth shut. 

      There was such a strong tension in the room, and it got silent for about 3 full minutes until she finally said something. "We're leaving to Paris, I have friends there that could help us get to the bottom of this case." I nodded and told her I'll be there first thing in the morning. She opened her office door for me and I began to walk away. 

      As I was walking, I heard her call my name. "Hey, y/n..." I quickly turned around, "Yes?" She looked down and back up at me. "It was great to meet you, and I'm happy you're on this case with me... AND all of this is confidential so this stays between us." She said in a serious tone. I nodded, smiled and started walking towards the door. 

       Clyde was there to open it for me and asked how it went. "It went fine, I just really need to get home to pack, and rest." He nodded understandably and I got in the cab. The whole way back to my apartment, I couldn't stop thinking about her. She was intimidating and so serious but it was... kind of hot. "Okay, y/n stop," I thought to myself. "She's technically going to be your boss, you can't be falling for your boss" But I couldn't stop thinking about her tone, the sexual tension that was in the room whenever she would put her pen against her lip, her dark black hair, her lips... my GOD her lips... I snapped myself out of it, and made it back to my apartment and started packing whatever I needed for Paris. 

        Talking to myself, I started mumbling what I was packing. "Okay black jeans, dress pants, dress shirt, lingerie" I quickly stopped myself when I found myself packing my sexy red lingerie cover... "Why the hell did I want to pack my lingerie... okay y/n... you need help" I thought to myself, but packed it anyway. By the time I was finished it was already 10:30 pm. I jumped in the shower, brushed my teeth and called it a night.

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