Chapter 18: Outnumbered

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When we arrived at the warehouse, I quickly got out of the car, but JJ whispered my name sternly.

"Get back in here!" She said quietly.

I quickly got in the car and ducked down a bit.

"You don't know what kind of setup he's planning. We have to be discreet. The team is on the way. We have to outsmart Doyle." She said looking out the door.

"Fuck the team! She'll be dead before we know it if we don't find her!"

I quickly got out of the car and started to run to the first entrance I could find.

I heard JJ quietly call my name one last time, but I kept running.

I looked around to find doors in each of the four corners.

I went to the one straight ahead and thought I saw a man facing the opposite direction. He was holding an AK-47. He looked like he was guarding someone. I quickly snuck up behind him and choked him out from behind. Before he could take his last breath, I put my gun to his head.

"Where is she?!" I asked him, still holding him in a chokehold. Out of breath, he pointed towards the right door.

"Thank you..." I said as I shot him with my silencer.

I quietly snuck to the right door. More doors.

"This thing is a fucking maze," I thought to myself.

I saw more guards and snuck to hide behind a wall barrier.

I quickly shot the three guards and ran straight ahead. Before I could open the door ahead of me, I realized it was locked.

"Shit..." I said.

"If I kick this door down, everyone will hear it..." I thought to myself.

I then felt a cold dark metal thing on the back of my head, then heard a gun cock.

"Drop your weapon, and turn around slowly." A man's voice said quietly. he had a British accent.

When I turned around, I couldn't believe who I saw.

"Clyde?!" I said, shocked. "It's me! What are you doing?!"

My eyes filled with tears once again, as I knew he betrayed us.

"I'm sorry y/n... but put your gun down, or I'll shoot," he said, still holding the gun to my head.

I slowly placed my gun on the floor and got back up with my hands raised.

"Take me to her," I said sternly, looking at him with rage.

"Gladly." He said as he put my hands in handcuffs.

As we started walking, I saw Emily through the door ahead. She was tied up, had a blindfold over her eyes.

I quickly struggled to get to her, but Clyde had a tighter grasp on me.

He walked me towards the door and opened up the door that Emily was in.

I saw her trying to keep herself up but she could barely hold her head up, let alone, move. They hurt her badly.

"What else are you gonna do to me?... I won't tell you where she is...or where Declan is" She said.

"Emily?..." I said gently, trying to keep myself together.

I saw her head raise up quickly and she gasped.

"Y/n... no... God... no you shouldn't be here," she said, with a sound of defeat in her voice.

"I'll get us out of this... Okay?..." I said, reassuring her.

"Will you?" A voice from the dark corner said. I finally saw him walking out. Doyle...

"You son of a bitch..." I said angrily.

"We've got you outnumbered darling." He said, looking around at his teammates around him.

I looked around seeing how many guys were really around us. They were everywhere...

I tried my best not to look intimidated. I looked right back at him, showing him no fear.

He began to walk closer to me. "You're a brave one aren't you? You can show fear... Your pretty girlfriend can't see you anyways." He said as he put his hand on my cheek.

"Maybe it's a good thing she won't see what I'm about to do to you." He said moving in closer.

"You son of a bitch! Don't touch her!" Emily screamed out angrily, as she attempted to get out of her bondage.

The next thing I knew, Doyle's hand powerfully slapped me to the ground.

My hands were still tied in the front. I got up and looked up at him, still showing him no signs of emotion.

"I'm fine Emily... He slaps like a girl anyways..." I said, chuckling and looking back up at him.

I saw him give off a half-smile, and look around at his guards around him.

I walked up to him, only to be hit again.

This slap was harder, but I got back up

"Take me instead..." I said walking up to him. "Let her go, and take me..." I pleaded.

"Y/N NO..." Emily said sternly.

He laughed. "I'll take both of you..." He said with a sinister smile.

I had no idea how we were gonna get out of this... We needed a team... bigger than just the BAU that Emily always talked about... Could I get us out of this? Or are we defeated?

I stood there, looking at him angrily. "Maybe you'll take us down... But you're coming with us..." I said looking him dead in the eyes.

"You won't win..." I said watching him stare right back into my eyes.

"Is this the end? There is no way I can get us out of this..." I thought to myself as I knew we were fucked...

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