Chapter 11// TENSION

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I saw Clyde throw Emily's clothes at her and wait for her to put her clothes on.

"This is fucking ridiculous Clyde..." She said annoyed.

Clyde didn't say anything, but once she was fully clothed, he pulled Emily out into the hotel hallway and closed the door. The next thing I knew, I heard them both raising their voices. I walked over and placed my ear on the door. It was muffled but I heard what they were saying.

 "I get that she's your best friend's daughter but that doesn't mean anything!" She said angrily. 

"Emily... I consider her my own, and if she gets involved with you, it could get worse! Doyle can go after her!" Clyde said firmly. 

"Doyle doesn't even know I'm alive, so he won't even know about her!" She said,

"Oh, so you're underestimating Doyle... again?! Remember what happened when you did that last time?! Don't be reckless and selfish." He said.

I heard a long pause. Afterward, they began whispering, and I couldn't hear what they were talking about. I quickly walked to my bed, picked up my grey tank top, and put it back on me.

I quickly put my black pants and boots on and sat on the bed. There were so many things going through my mind. I really don't wanna lose her. I've fallen in love with her. Could it be Doyle? My legs were shaking, and the thoughts in my head wouldn't stop. I put my head in my hands, holding back all of my tears. 

"Breathe y/n... just breathe" I reminded myself. I took a deep breath in and got up to make myself a coffee. After about 7 minutes of waiting for them to come back inside, I heard Emily and Clyde come back in.

I quickly walked up to them, waiting for some sort of explanation, but they didn't say anything.

"I'll be waiting in the car...Don't be too long." Clyde said seriously.

He walked out and I heard Emily sigh.

"What the fuck is going on?!" I asked

"Nothing love, he's just worried I'm gonna get you hurt. He really cares about you y/n.." She said, looking at me seriously.

"I don't need his protection... I—" I stopped myself.

"What?" She asked quickly.

"I need you... Em... I've fallen in love with you..." I said softly, looking down and back at her.

I saw Emily's mouth open to say something, but she closed it. She looked like she saw a ghost when I said that. She shook her head and put the tips of her fingers to her forehead. I sat there waiting for her to say something... but she never did.

"I— we have to go love. Clyde is waiting for us."

My heart sank to my stomach. I didn't get it... It's like she shut down all of her emotions and didn't care anymore.

As we were walking to the elevator, I began to feel a feeling of anger, and sadness combined. I felt used, and I couldn't put to words how hurt and frustrated I was.

"Is there somebody else?.." I finally asked.

She stopped herself from pushing the elevator button. She turned to face me.

"I'm sorry?" She said

"You heard me..." I said with my arms crossed.

She looked around.

"No y/n... I'm not like that... When I'm with someone, I don't just hop around. I'm not your ex-girlfriend." She said as she turned back around. She was irritated.

I scoffed.

"No... my ex-girlfriend wouldn't fuck me and then completely shut me out the next day... Especially after I confess my feelings." I said angrily. I quickly pressed the down button for the elevator.

She looked at me angrily but didn't say anything.

"It was all fake... I should've known..." I said as I walked into the elevator.

I saw her turn to look at me, she was angry.  The next thing I know, she's pushing me against the elevator wall, and pinning my hands up above my head. She pressed her lips against mine roughly and passionately. My knees went weak. She then pulled away and looked me into the eyes, glaring.

"You call that fake y/n?.." She said as she let go of my hands.

I paused and tried to catch my breath. I shook my head no.

"That's what I thought." She said as she quickly stormed out of the elevator. She left me breathless in the elevator, and I quickly walked out, trying to catch up. 

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