Chapter 7 // Meet Penelope Garcia

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           As I awoke from my deep sleep, I realized Emily and I were closer than ever. I felt her body heat as she got even closer. I looked at the alarm clock on my nightstand and realized I woke up 5 minutes before my alarm was going to go off. I turned over to face her and saw how beautifully she was sleeping. She was sleeping on one of her hands, her hair was super messy, but yet, she looked like a literal angel. I watched her sleep for the remaining time, and right at 8:59 am, I turned back over, and pretended I was asleep.

           Once the alarm rang, I felt her roll over and sigh. I quickly turned off the alarm and turned it over to her. She was already sitting on the edge of the bed. 

"You know...Sometimes I fucking hate work." She said as she got up, and began picking out her outfit. She put on a black turtleneck, Black jeans, and finished off the outfit with a belt and a blazer. I couldn't help but secretly watch her change once again. She put her gun in her holster and went to the bathroom to brush her teeth.


      I finally got up from bed and began picking out my outfit. I put on my favorite white tanktop and threw on my black jeans as well. I looked at my blazer hanging in my closet and shrugged as I went to go make my coffee. It was hot as is in this apartment, might as well put it on after I leave. As I finished my coffee, I picked up the cup and ended up dropping it all over my shirt. 

 "Son of a bitch!" I shouted as I pulled the shirt away from my skin. It was scorching and left light burns on my skin.

 Prentiss ran out of the bathroom with her hand on her gun. 

"Is everything okay?!" She said as she paused and saw the coffee stains all over my shirt. "Jesus Christ, y/n are you okay?!" She said as she ran up to me. 

"Yeah...I'm good" I laughed. 

"The coffee is literally scorching... take off your shirt." She said concerned. 

"Uhhh what?" I asked. 

"I wanna see if it left any burn marks..." She said as she went to go get some burn cream from the first aid kit. I shrugged and pulled my shirt off, and watched her turn around and stop as soon as she saw me.

"I--Uh... wow...I'm sorry..." She looked me up and down, and then I watched her try to snap herself back into reality.

"Sheesh... Yeah, you have a few slight burns'' She said as she looked at the burns on my chest." She went ahead and put the cream on my chest and rubbed it in.

"Oh, so you're a doctor now?" I said jokingly. She rolled her eyes and continued rubbing it on. 

"Here, I have another white tank top you can borrow, if that's the look you were going for today." She said as she grabbed it from her luggage and threw it to me.

After putting on the shirt and my blazer, we finally left for the Paris Interpol building. We met up with Clyde Easter. We decided to go over the case of Doyle and how we can safely catch him, without putting any of our lives in danger. Clyde talked about how Doyle was still far away, and yet, there was another woman dumped in the same area as the others. Emily looked so done with it. I know she still thinks it's her fault that all these women are being murdered, but he's a sociopath... She was doing her job. I saw Emily look at the case. 

"I wanna catch this son of a bitch..." She said angrily. I nodded and we all agreed. 

"We will" I said as I looked at her and watched her look up at me. I heard her call someone named Penelope Garcia. 

"Hey, my superwoman" Garcia said. 

"Hey Garcia, you're on speaker behave.." The two of them were basically flirting on the phone, but then I saw Clyde roll his eyes and laugh. 

"Penelope Garcia, meet y/n... y/n, meet Penelope Garcia..." Emily said, smiling at me.

"Oh my god!! THE y/n?! Em, this is the y/n you were telling me about! How is it going with the two of you!!!" Garcia went on and on until Em cut her off. 

"Garcia... heh... the case..." Emily said quickly.

Garcia began to tell us more info on where Doyle could be, and more info about his victims. After discussing, Emily said bye to Garcia but was cut off very quickly by her. 

"Em, you've gotta tell me more about how your trip with y/n is going! Oh my god, I—" Garcia continued until she was interrupted by Prentiss as she put her hand against her head.

"Bye Garcia..." She said as she quickly hung up the phone.

Clyde began to laugh "I told you she's a gem, did I not," He said as he looked at me and then her. 

"Can we get back to the case?" She said quickly. I saw her glance up at me with a shy smile, and I looked right back at her. I couldn't help but smile, then we began discussing the case. 

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