Chapter 13// MAKE-UP SEX

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As we finally returned to our hotel, we silently got out of the cab. I walked faster so I could get to the room quicker and jump in the shower. It was a silent way up the escalator, the complete opposite of what happened this morning. Part of me wanted her to push me up against the wall again and kiss me, and part of me didn't want to be a one-night stand.

The elevator doors opened and I quickly walked out of the elevator, and Emily walked behind me. While we were halfway down the hall, she grabbed my arm and tried to have an intimate moment but I pulled away. Looking me dead in the eyes, she noticed how angry I really was. I saw the look in her eyes, It was the most vulnerable I had ever seen her. I immediately regretted it but I kept my composure, turned back, and continued walking to the room.

As I walked into the room, I held the door open for Emily and went straight into the shower. I made sure to lock the doors so I don't leave any hints, and as I stepped in, I heard the doorknob move as if she was trying to get in, but realized it was locked. I stood in the shower thinking about what we would have been, what I did wrong to make her so uninterested in me, why she got jealous when she was the one that pushed me away when I had confessed my feelings, but I snapped out of it and began to wash my hair.

After I got out of the shower, I saw Emily already in bed. I was on the verge of tears but I kept myself together. I wanted her to want me, but I knew that I wasn't what she wanted. I sat on the bed and began to throw on my lace nightgown.

As I got in bed and under the covers, I was facing away from Emily. I slowly closed my eyes, and hoped I'd fall asleep even though the world's hottest woman was still sleeping next to me. I took a deep breath in and let it out. After a few seconds, I felt Emily turn to face my back. She began to scooch up closer to me and she began kissing my shoulder softly. I didn't say a thing, but my body began to tingle.

"Face me" She whispered.

I laid facing the opposite way until I finally gave in and faced her. At this point, we were both glancing into each other's eyes. She began to softly caress my face with her fingers and then began to press her lips against mine. In no time, she was on top of me, her lips still kissing mine. She stopped and looked up at me.

"So this Brooke girl... I don't want her around you...or talking to you." She said seriously.

I didn't say a word. I just shook my head. I was so confused at this point. How is she gonna shut me out but tell me who I can and can't talk to?..

She began to kiss me again and kiss all down my body. I stopped her and pushed her away from my body. I pulled the covers over me and looked away shaking my head.

"You know... I don't get you sometimes..."

She looked at me confused

"How are you going to push me away, and act like there was nothing there, but get jealous when a girl texts me... That makes absolutely no sense." I said looking at her.

Her facial expressions changed and I couldn't tell if she was angry, or sad, or just annoyed.

"It's hard to explain..." She said as she began to try and kiss me again.

"No! It shouldn't be! Just explain it!" I said angrily. At this point, I was both pissed off and turned on.

"Fuck it.." She said, rolling her eyes and getting back in bed, facing the other way.

"Oh... how professional. We can't even have a conversation because all I ever was to you was a fucking booty call."

"Excuse me?" She said. Her tone was sharp. I knew I fucked up but was I wrong?

I got back under the covers and turned off the lamp next to my nightstand.

I heard her get back up from laying down and turn on the light. She got back up on top of me, and ran her fingers through my hair, grasping it tightly and kissing me roughly. She stopped after a few seconds and glared deep into my eyes.

"You're not a fucking booty call to me y/n... I can't believe you'd think that low of me..." She said.

At this point, I felt paralyzed but not in a bad way. I was done arguing with her... Fuck it... She can do what she wants to me because I can't keep resisting. It's getting harder and harder to keep myself from her.

I felt her passionately kiss my lips, and lift my nightgown over my head, throwing it off the floor.

She put her hands around my throat and began to kiss down to my stomach. I closed my eyes and felt a shock when I felt her finger inside of me. It caught me off guard, but in the best way possible.

"Fuck!" I moaned loudly.

My whole body was shaking at this point and I couldn't help but let out another moan.

She looked up at me seductively and stopped. She crawled on top of me once again, and put her finger in my mouth, then began to kiss me. She bit my bottom lip and slid her fingers back down my body, to the side of my thighs and I felt it inside of me again, with even more pleasure.

I couldn't help but close my legs as my body was in a state of great shock, and I felt her open them again. I watched her slowly go down on me. I arched my back as soon as I felt her tongue press against my clit.

"Does that feel good?" She asked

Breathless, I nodded. "Very...good," I said

I began to breathe even faster and I felt her tongue go faster and rougher.

My legs went weak, my body full of chills, and I felt her come back up and kiss me again.

She stayed on top and with one hand grasping a fist full of my hair, she used the other to finger me once again. I dug my nails into her back and she went faster and placed another finger inside of me. At this point, I couldn't hold back my screams. My legs began to shake, and She stared deep into my eyes as she continued thrusting her fingers inside of me. I arched my back once again, and I felt her push my body back down, as she began to kiss my breasts.

"Emily... I'm gonna-" I said as I let out another moan.

"Cum?" She said as she looked at me with a sexual stare.

I nodded and at that moment she began thrusting her fingers inside of me even faster, she began to bite my lip. I finally let out one more scream of pleasure and she made me cum.

"Good girl..." She said with a dark smile.

Afterward, I couldn't feel any emotion besides love for Emily. I smiled at her and put my nightgown back on, then got under the covers.

"I love you y/n..." She said looking deep into my eyes.

I laid there shocked and speechless.

"I was just afraid to admit it because when I admit something it becomes real... and people get hurt. I don't want to lose you. You've become my world, and I hate you being mad at me." She said smiling as she placed her hand on my cheek and kissed me.

"I'm gonna go shower," She said smiling, walking towards the bathroom.

"That was the best sex I have ever had...I could get used to this." I thought to myself as I placed my head on my pillow and let out a loud sigh. 

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