Chapter 10// INTERRUPTED*

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I woke up and felt Emilys' hands wrapped around my waist.  I felt her breathing on my shoulder.

"Shit...Em... We're late..." I said.

I wanted to get up, but her arms were wrapped around me tightly. She pulled me in tightly.

"Five more minutes, please... I have a migraine..." She said as she tugged on the blanket.

I rolled to my other side to face her and saw her eyes slowly open to meet mine.

"Well good morning to you too...but we have to go!" I said

She gave me a soft smile and rolled her eyes.

"Can we please just stay in bed a little bit longer...or maybe for the whole day..." She said as she rolled on her back.

"Well we could but Clyde would be worried, and there's kind of an ex-boyfriend/murderer lurking around France..." I said while I laughed

She sighed and nodded. She rolled back over to face me again and put her hand on my cheek.

"Do you remember last night?" I asked

She looked at me and smiled, then closed her eyes again

"Slightly... I honestly thought it was a dream for a second..." She said

"I honestly thought so too... I was like... 'again?!' I said and immediately realized what I said...

Emily opened her eyes, looking shocked.

"Again?" She asked. "What do you mean again?"

"Shit... what the fuck did I just do..." I thought to myself, as I quickly got out of bed.

"Nothing... I was kidding" I said laughing.

I sat up and rubbed my face, then went to go brush my teeth. A few seconds after, Emily followed me in, and we were both awkwardly brushing our teeth.

Emily began to mumble something with her toothbrush in her mouth while I just stood there trying to decipher what the hell she was saying. Then she finally spits her toothpaste out.

"Admit it...You so had a sex dream about me..." She said with a seductive smile on her face, as she continued brushing her teeth. "I did not!" I tried to say with the toothbrush still in my mouth.

She rolled her eyes and continued brushing. After we were done, I went to check my phone. I saw 4 missed calls from Clyde, and 5 text messages.



"Are you guys okay?"

"You're late..."

"Where are you guys?

As I began typing to message him back, I got distracted with Emily putting on her bra, and shirt, that my mind totally went blank making me completely oblivious to responding to him. I put my phone down, and continued watching her, but looked away when she looked over at me. I heard her give a soft laugh, and couldn't help but smile.

"What?" I asked smiling.

"Nothing... You're cute..." She said, still laughing.

I rolled my eyes and got up from my bed. I began to go through my closet, trying to find something to wear. I then held up two options.

"Navy tank top, or grey tank top," I asked Em while she was sitting on the bed, putting her blazer over her white tank top that I wore yesterday.

"Hmmm... Grey..." She said as she smiled.

I nodded, then began to take my shirt off. I watched her from my peripheral. Her eyes were on me the entire time, but when I looked at her, she didn't look away. I gave a shy smile.

"Sorry, you're so hot... I can't take my eyes off of you." She said with a seductive smile.

I rolled my eyes and began to put my pants on.

"Don't put them on..." She said quickly.

"I-- What?" I said confused.

She took her blazer off, got up from the bed, and walked over to me.

She put her hand on my waist and pulled me closer, then I felt her lips get closer to mine.

I got weak in the knees and tried to keep my composure.

"I..uhh... Emily... As great as this feels...We're already so late" I said as I was doing everything I could to resist her lips.

"Exactly... what're a few more minutes going to do?" She whispered as she pressed her lips on my lips.

"Fuck it," I said softly as I finally let loose.

She placed both hands on my cheeks and pulled me in closer. She then turned me so that I was facing the bed. She lifted my shirt off, then hers, and then gently pushed me onto the bed. The passion between our kisses became more and more passionate.  She ran her fingers through my hair, and grasped onto it, pulling my head back. She then began to kiss on my neck, some kisses longer than others. She left small hickeys on my neck. My legs began to shake.

We were interrupted by Emily's phone going off. Someone was calling her. Without looking at it, She reached across and pressed the off button. She continued kissing my neck, then went lower. I then heard my phone begin to ring. I tried to tilt my head to look at it, but she grabbed my face gently.

"Don't touch it... It's probably nothing." She said as she pressed her lips against mine.

My phone rang once again, and she reached over to turn it on vibrate. As we began to make out more passionately, I kept hearing my phone vibrate.

"Was it urgent? ugh... It's probably nothing," I thought to myself as I felt Emily kissing down my body. I tried not to be too loud as I felt her kissing on my stomach, down to my thighs, then back up my body and back to my lips. She looked me in the eyes, me trying to keep eye contact with her, as I was trying to control my breathing. My body was on fire... But in a good way. She began to kiss my neck once again. My phone continued to vibrate, but I tuned it out.

As she began to kiss down my body once again, we were both distracted by a banging on the door, and the door was kicked open. It was Clyde with another agent.

I quickly grabbed the sheets to cover myself.

"Where the hell were you, girls?! Did you not see my message?!" He said angrily.

Emily was still standing with just her underwear and bra on.

"What the hell Clyde! As you can see... we were kind of busy!" She said sharply.

Clyde crossed his arms and told the agent to go.

"We thought you guys were in danger, or Doyle found you..." He said.

I've never seen Clyde angry... Or Emily for that matter.

"Doyle thinks I'm dead Clyde!" Prentiss said firmly.

Clyde looked at me, who was holding the sheets over as much of my body that I could. He looked back at Emily.

"Emily...A word..." He said

Interpol - An Emily Prentiss x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now