Chapter 14// Jennifer Jareau

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I put my nightgown back on. I got up to grab some water when I heard Emily's phone go off. I quickly took a glance at it to see a message from "Jennifer".

I remembered what she told me on the jet on the way here. How she talked about how in love she was with her. I stood there blankly looking at the text.

There was only one message from her stating "Meet me tonight at the hotel in front of the Eiffel tower at 4 am."

I heard the shower turn off, and I quickly put her phone back down on her nightstand. I quickly jumped in bed and closed my light so she would think I was sleeping. I didn't say a word as I hoped Emily would've ignored it and stayed back with me to show that she did truly want me and only me.

As she got out of the shower, I quickly peeked at Emily and saw her looking at her phone. She was typing something long and my curiosity and jealousy were killing me but I trusted she wouldn't go. I was praying she would choose me.

As she threw on her nightgown, she quickly jumped in bed and wrapped her arms around me. "Goodnight my love. I love you." She whispered as she kissed my shoulder.

I looked at the clock to see it was 1:30 in the morning.

"Please be here when I wake up," I thought to myself.

I was awoken to Emily quietly getting ready. I didn't move because I didn't want her to know I knew, but part of me wanted to follow her. I heard her zip up her coat, and as I heard her footsteps go toward the door.

I opened my eyes and watched her grab her purse and walk out the door. She was wearing a dress and a long coat on top. I felt like my heart shattered into a million pieces when I heard her try to quietly close the door.

I laid there for about 45 minutes and finally jumped out of bed. I threw on a pair of blue jeans and a grey t-shirt. I couldn't just go back to sleep... There were so many thoughts running through my mind. I had to see what she was doing or even who she was doing... I quickly ran outside and ran to the first taxi I saw and got in.

"Where to madam?" The driver asked.

"Uhh... The hotel in front of the Eiffel Tower?" I said unsure.

The driver nodded and began to drive. I looked out the window praying that maybe there was some sort of explanation for all of this, maybe there was another Jennifer? I sat in my seat, shaking my legs anxiously.

I saw the taxi driver look into his rearview mirror and look at me.

"You look stressed madam..." He said looking back at the road.

"Yeah... I'm just worried about my girlfr-" I quickly stopped myself.

"I'm just worried about a friend of mine," I said correcting myself.

He looked at me and nodded understandably.

As we pulled up to the hotel, I asked the driver if I could hide in his car and watch for a few minutes on who comes out. He nodded and told me to take my time. It was a 50/50 chance that she would even come out around this time but it's been about an hour since she got there.

After about 25 minutes of me looking out the window, I saw Emily walk out of the hotel with a beautiful blonde girl. They were talking very discreetly and I saw this Jennifer girl put her hand on Emily's shoulder and pull her in for a hug. My eyes filled with tears, and I looked away, and back to the driver.

"I've seen all I needed to see, could you take me back to my hotel now?" I said wiping a tear from my cheek.

"Madam, are you sure? You don't want to go anywhere else, or go talk to your friend?" He said genuinely.

"No thank you, sir, please take me back to my hotel," I said trying to keep myself from bursting out in tears.

I looked back one last time and saw that they were still talking.

"Yeah...Take me home..." I said looking back at him

He nodded and began to drive back to the hotel.

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