Chapter 8// The Truth

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After about 8 hours of trying to figure out a plan to catch him safely, we decided to call it a night. On the drive back to our hotel, I realized we had a 45-minute drive back, so I had to ask. 

"So... That Garcia girl..." I asked. 

"Yeah... she's a bit of a handful... but in a good way. I love her," She said laughing. "

What was she talking about?" I asked. She sighed and quickly answered back. 

"Oh, nothing... I just text her about everything." I looked at her and saw her look back at me. I saw her face get red, and for about 5 minutes, we were silent. 

"Look... You are a beautiful woman... but I know you don't like girls like me.." She said, finally breaking the silence.

I looked at her shocked... Partly because 1. She is literally a dream come true, and 2. What the hell does she know about my love interest... 

"Who said I didn't? What's not to like about you?" I replied back. She looked over at me, shocked. 

"Do I have to explain?" She said looking at me and back at the road. 

"Uhh... I'd like you to, yes..." I said, giving a slight laugh. 

"You're literally young... and beautiful, you hold yourself together, and you look like you have your life completely under control, while me... I'm the reason that four women have died in the span of a month, I'm a hot mess, and I can barely keep myself together." She said as she shook her head. I looked over at her. 

"Okay first off... You are beautiful, and second, you are not responsible for Doyles' actions. You're strong, and you're the most selfless person I have met in a while." I said looking at her.

As I partially saw her face from the lights of headlights from cars in front of us, I saw a tear fall down her cheek. She quickly wiped it away and began trying to hold herself together again. 

"You're sweet y/n... But I am responsible for Doyles' actions..." She said as she looked at me with tears in her eyes, then back on the road. 

"'re not," I said as I placed my hand on her arm which was laying against the center console. She looked at me and smiled.

We arrived at our hotel at 9:34 pm and made it up to our room. Before she scanned the card to open the door, she looked at me and smiled. 

"I really like you y/n... I just know how I am, and I don't want to ever hurt you or put you in harm's way." She said as she unlocked the door. 

"Nothing will happen to me... We've got each other so you don't have to worry about me." I said as I walked to my closet and grabbed my robe.

I jumped in the shower and my mind was running in circles. I couldn't get Emily off my mind. I literally just wanted her to walk in, and get in the shower with me, and I even left the door unlocked... I envisioned her walking into the shower with me, as it was big enough, pushing me against the wall, pressing her lips against mine as she pulled my waist closer to hers, feeling her breath on my shoulder as she kissed it, and kissed all of my body. I wanted her. All of her... I wanted to be hers, but I had to snap myself back into reality.

After I got out of the shower, I threw my robe on, and put my red lace nightgown on. I walked out of the bathroom and took the towel off my head and began to brush my hair. I saw Emily sitting on her bed with a bottle of vodka in her hands. I could tell she was already pretty wasted. She was looking at me up and down and smiled. 

"You look incredible," She said as she slurred a few of her words. 

"Oh god... She's drunk" I thought to myself. I laughed 

"Well thank you, you look great yourself... but are you sure you should be drinking? We have to be up early for work tomorrow..." I said laughing.

She rolled her eyes and continued drinking. She then began to tear up, and I quickly got on the bed next to her. I knew what this was about... She's still carrying the burden of being responsible for Doyles' actions. I grabbed her hand 

"Emily Prentiss... It is not your fault..." I said looking her in the eyes.

We were closer than ever. She slowly leaned her forehead against mine and closed her eyes. She let out a sigh and nodded. 

"Y/n..." She said softly with the smell of strong alcohol on her breath. 

"Yes?" I replied. 

"Promise you won't be mad?" I looked at her confused. 

"Why would I be mad?" I asked. 

Interpol - An Emily Prentiss x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now