Chapter 5// Flying To Paris

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       As we flew to Paris, I thought to myself how long we were planning on staying. Yes, we'd solve the case but Em packed 3 luggages... It looked like we were staying here for four months... "So... how long are we planning on being here?" I asked while she and I looked over the case files. "I got us roundtrip tickets, and we leave 2 months from now...Hopefully, that will give us time to track down Doyle." She said looking up at me and back down at the case. She seemed stressed so I poured her another glass of champagne, then started pouring my own glass. She gazed up at me for what felt like 5 seconds and gave a slight smile. "It's like you read my mind," she said as she picked up her glass and took a sip. She then leaned more onto the table and looked at the case file, flipping through the pages. 

        She had been looking over the same 4 pages for about 5 hours of this flight. She put her elbows on the table and leaned forward, which was great for me. She wore a low-cut red tank top so her cleavage was showing A LOT. I was trying to act calm, but I was looking....respectfully... Of course. "Fuck me...She is hot" I thought to myself... As soon as I thought that, she looked up at me and smiled again. "Oh, shit... did she read my mind? Did I say that out loud? No of course I didn't... I'm just overthinking..." I thought as I looked back down at the case file, and back down at her cleavage. I saw her look back up at me, and I quickly looked back at the case file. 

        "Hey... Look at this..." She said as she slid the case file to the middle of the table, facing sideways so we can both see it. I went in closer to look at what she was trying to show me. "She pointed at the map. "He could be in this vicinity, somewhere between Brest, France, Carhaix-Plouguer, France, and Lannion, France." She said making a triangle in those regions. "Are you sure?" I asked, looking up at her. She nodded "the 3 victims had the same victimology... He put a bullet through their heart, and their head and each victim had brown hair and bangs." She said looking up at me. I looked at her, as I felt that I looked similar to the victims... Was I his type? Emily then held up a picture of her as "Lauren Reynolds" and told me that she was his trigger and his he's killing people who look like her.

      "This is all my fault" She shook her head and sighed. I looked up at her. "Don't say that... You were doing your job, and you saved a kid in the process..." I said as I watched her shake her head and look out the window.  "I died twice... according to him. The first time, I died as Lauren Reynolds, the second time, he drove a stake through my abdomen, but I managed to recover, and now I'm here. My team knows I'm alive and well and I'm safe there but...." She stopped herself. "but?..." I asked hoping she'd continue her sentence. She sighed and continued "I had my heart broken once again which made me leave back to London." She said leaning back in her seat.

       I related to her way too much there, as I had basically just done the same thing. "I just got out of a messy breakup... and I was supposed to come here with her. Her name was Brooke and I caught her cheating on me." She looked up at me, "I'm so sorry... She's an idiot for cheating on you... It was her loss because you're stunning." She said. I gave her a slight smile and shrugged trying not to blush. "What about you?" I asked. She looked up at me shocked that I asked. I immediately regretted it as I knew Clyde told me she was not the type that enjoyed talking about herself. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked, I'm sure you don't want to talk about him," I said looking back down at the case file. She looked up at me, then out the window. 

      We sat in silence for about a minute. "It was a she... and her name was Jennifer, but everyone called her JJ." She said, looking out the window. I looked at her and saw her look back at me, down at the case file, and back out the window. "She got married to someone who treats her great, but the feelings between us were there, and I couldn't handle seeing her with him, and hearing her talk about him so much. I would never want to get in the way of her happiness. They have a family, and she's happy... but the pain was unbearable for me." She said, shaking her head. I looked at her, not knowing what to say. "I'm so sorry... I can't imagine the pain..." I said. She looked up at me, gave me a slight smile, and shrugged. "He makes her happy, and that makes me happy, but it still hurts deep down," She said looking out the window. "I guess we have more things in common than we thought we did." She said as she gave me a smile. I nodded and smiled back at her. 

     After a few minutes, We both started reviewing and talking about the case file. A few hours went by, and Emily went to grab another bottle of champagne. She was not a lightweight, that's for sure, while I, on the other hand, was already getting tired from how much I drank. She came back, but instead of sitting in front of me, she took the seat next to me. "You look exhausted," She said looking at me. I checked myself in my phones' front camera and my eyes were red, and I really did look exhausted. "I guess I am pretty tired with the timezone change, and the plane rides, and the alcohol," I said laughing. "Get some rest, love," she said smiling. I'll wake you if I figure out anything else about the case. I nodded and put my jacket against the window to rest my head on it. I heard Emily pop open another bottle of champagne and pour herself another glass. I finally began to rest my eyes.

     After my long nap, I finally woke up to find my head placed on Emily's shoulder. She was playing with my hair, her head lightly laying on mine, and she was playing a game of online sudoku. Her right leg was shaking... Was she nervous? Oh god... did I make her uncomfortable...I slowly moved my head and looked at her with a smile. "Oh, you're up, THANK GOD...I really had to pee but didn't want to wake you" She laughed as she quickly got up and went to the bathroom in the back.

      I rubbed my eyes. It felt so cozy laying on her shoulder, and she literally waited for me to wake up to use the restroom, and as sad as that sounds... that's probably the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me... I then realized that I had to pee, so I got up and waited at the restroom door. After Emily walked out, she saw me and stopped. "Oh, you wanna join the mile-high club?" She asked, laughing. "W-what?" I replied nervously. "I was kidding..." she said laughing, touching my shoulder as she walked past me. I really wish she wasn't kidding because that would be great...really fucking great actually... I think she's purposely teasing me... 

     Afterward, I sat back down and heard the pilot announce that we're landing. Emily sighed and laid back in her seat. I realized she didn't get any sleep this whole trip, but she seemed to be doing just fine. "Are you ready for this?" She asked. "Ready as I'll ever be," I said with a slight smile. She smiled back at me, then looked into the aisle and closed her eyes, and shook her head. "I'm honestly not ready for this... I hope we catch him," she said, picking her fingernails. I put my hand over her hands to stop her from picking at them. "We'll catch him and put him away for good... okay?" I said as I slowly removed my hand from hers. She looked at my hands, looked back up, took a deep breath, and sighed. "I really hope so..." 

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