Chapter 12/// Jealously

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The whole ride to the Paris Interpol office was nothing but dead silence. No music, No talking, just pin-drop silence. At this point, the plane ride from London to Paris felt shorter than this car ride. I laid my head back and stared out the window. I was trying to block out all of the negative thoughts. All of the what-ifs.

"What if I was just a one-night stand for Emily?"

"What if I scared her off by confessing my feelings for her?.."

But then I thought about that elevator kiss, and what she said before the elevator. She admitted she's not the type to cheat. But are we even official? I felt my phone buzz, and I looked down to see that Brooke texted me.

"Hey... It's me, Brooke. I just really miss you and I want you to come back home."

At this point, I did miss her but I loved Emily... I just didn't know if she loved me back.

"I'm busy Brooke," I replied. She responded almost immediately,

"I love you y/n... Please come home..."

I didn't know how to respond. I looked over at Emily, who was trying to be discrete, looking at my phone with the corners of her eyes. I saw her quickly look away, and she began to look out the window. I looked back at my phone and began to text Brooke back.

"I have to go Brooke. We can talk more later." I replied, as I sighed and turned my phone screen off. 

I looked at Emily who at this point wasn't even trying to look away. She was glaring at me, and then back down at my phone, then back at me. I rolled my eyes and looked out the window. Once we arrived at the Interpol office, We all sat down at a table to talk more about the case. Emily sat to the left of me and I had placed my phone on the left side of me. 

As we discussed the case, and Doyle, My phone began to buzz, not once, not twice, but three times. I saw Emily's eyes shift to my phone screen, and she looked at me then looked away. I quickly grabbed my phone from the table and looked at it. Another message from Brooke.


"Please come home..."

"I really need you right now..." She texted.

Before I could respond, my phone began to ring. I quickly excused myself and watched Emily glare jealously at me as I got up and walked out the door. I walked outside of the office to hear Brooke crying.

"y/n... please... I need you... The bed is so cold without you here... I'm sorry for hurting you..." She said crying. 

I knew she was just lonely and as soon as I'd get home, she'd go back to taking me for granted. I sighed, knowing this is how she got me back last time.

"Brooke... I'm working right now, I have to solve this case... I'm in fucking Paris for fucks sake... I can't just drop everything because you're 'lonely'." I said.

I quickly hung up, and went to the bathroom, before going back into the office. Afterward, I threw on some mascara and walked out and into the office. When I walked in, I saw Emily glaring at me. She was pissed and everyone in the room could tell. 

"Sorry about that guys..." I said as I sat down. Clyde nodded and continued talking about Doyle's location, and victims. They were trying to go over a plan to take him down, but we didn't get far. After a few hours of tension between Emily and I, and going over the case, Clyde finally excused us.

"Please don't be late tomorrow morning everyone... 9:15 sharp." He said, looking directly at me and Emily.

"I'll call you girls a cab, I'll be staying at the office, trying to find ways to take down this son of a bitch." He said.

As we got into the cab, I felt Emily looking at me, even in the dark. I looked over at her and rolled my eyes, and then looked away. I took out my phone and saw that Brooke continued to text me. 

"Jesus Christ, does this girl ever sleep? Or give up?" I thought to myself.

The next thing I knew, Emily snatched my phone out of my hand and turned it off.

"What the fuck?!" I said annoyed.

She didn't say anything.

"Emily... Give it back to me..." I said.

She continued to stay quiet, then placed my phone in between her legs.

"You think I won't reach in there to grab it?!"

She continued looking out the window, and I finally went to grab it, but she grabbed my hand before I could, and she looked me dead in the eyes, giving me the 'you better behave' look. I quickly stopped everything I was doing.

"You don't need to text her anymore..." She finally said as she looked at me seriously.

"Unbelievable..." I thought to myself.

I scoffed and shook my head. All of a sudden I felt a grasp on my thigh. I quickly looked at her and noticed she had placed her hand on my thigh, and she began to grasp it tighter, and tighter. My mind went blank, and I got shivers all throughout my body. 

Her hand slowly went closer and closer to my inner thighs. I really couldn't explain how good it felt... but it felt good. What didn't feel good was her shutting me out. That reminded me of earlier this morning, and I grabbed her hand and placed it back into her lap.

 I faced my entire body out the window and sighed. I felt her glare on me once again, and just knew we were either gonna have a long "talk" when we get home, or a dead silent next few days. 

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