Chapter 16: Emily

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Emily's Pov: (The night she met up with JJ)

"I'm falling in love with this girl... fast..." I thought to myself as I was in the shower. "We definitely love each other... I just don't know how I can keep her safe..." I continued to overthink all the bad things that could happen to her. I calmed myself down and took a deep breath. I'm just thankful she's here with me now... I just wish I could shield her from any pain.

As I got out of the shower, I saw y/n sleeping. Dear God, she is the most beautiful sleeper I had ever seen. I watched her sleep for a few seconds, and just admired every single inch of her. After, I went to my side of the bed, and looked at my phone only to find a message from JJ?. 

"Why the hell is she texting me now? And why does she want to meet up tonight... or this morning for that matter..." I thought as I began to text her that I'm with y/n. 

"Can it wait? Is it important? Or necessary?" I replied

I got an immediate response back from her. "No... 4:30 sharp... It's very urgent. See you soon." 

I sighed and sent her a thumbs up. I then got in bed and cuddled y/n tight. I felt so much joy being around her, so much passion, so much love. I kissed her shoulder and got closer to her. She was sleeping so peacefully, I couldn't believe that she was mine. I laid there constantly looking at my clock checking the time before I had to leave. A few hours went by and I finally got up to get ready. I tried to be as quiet as possible so I wouldn't wake up y/n. I don't want to stress her out and I'll be back before she'll wake up. I threw my clothes on, and quickly and quietly closed the door. "omw" I sent her as I got in my car rental and drove to the hotel in front of the Eiffel Tower.

 I was greeted by JJ, and she brought me inside quickly.

"What's going on JJ? I know you didn't fly all the way to Paris just to check up on me..." I said concerned.

JJ shook her head and sat down.

She held her hand out for my phone and put it in a soundproof box.

"Is that all the cellphones you have on you?" She asked.

I nodded.

"It's Doyle... I had Garcia do some digging and she hacked into his teammate's computer." She said with a worried look on her face.

"Okay... and?" I asked

"Emily... There are pictures of you... here... recently...He knows you're here and he knows you're alive."

I sat there in shock... I don't know how he found out I was alive...

"Okay... Well then we can lure him back here... I'll be the bait and we can catch him..." I said trying to think more in-depth for a plan.

"Emily that's not it..." She said... pausing... "There are pictures of your friend y/n on there too..." She said,

I got up quickly.

"No, no no... She can't be dragged into all of this.." I said putting my hand over my head. 

"Emily, She was dragged into this the moment she joined Interpol with you and Clyde...You know that" She said.

"I have to get her out of here," I said as I quickly walked out, but JJ grabbed my arm.

"Emily... you can't get distracted... For all, we know he could be anywhere... He could have a teammate... You have to be discreet and right now you can't reach." She said as she walked me outside.

She put her hand on my shoulder and pulled me in to hug me.

She whispered in my ear so that the phones couldn't catch what she was saying.

"It'll all be okay Em... I promise You. You have the team working on this as well, and Clyde and Garcia will update me as soon as we get any news but I'll be staying here until I know Doyle is put away. The team will be on their way tomorrow.

I nodded, trying to hold back tears. 

As I got back to the room, Y/n wasn't there. I immediately began to panic.

"He took her... He fucking took her while I was gone... How did he know I was gone" I whispered to myself.

I picked up my phone and called y/n's number. Straight to voicemail. I must've called her 8 times before I tried texting her.

"Fuck" I yelled.

I put my hand over my mouth and called Clyde.

"Emily? It's 6:20 in the morning..."

"Clyde! It's Y/n...She's gone... She's not picking up her phone. I think Doyle took her. God Clyde, what do I do?!" I said sobbing.

"Go down to the front desk and ask if you saw anyone walk out with a girl with y/n's description," He said quickly.

He's right. I ran out the door and took the stairs down to the front lobby holding up a picture of y/n.

"Have you seen her?!" I said urgently.

"Ma'am we can't give out people's personal information." The clerk said.

I pulled out my FBI badge.

"Where is she?!" I yelled.

"Room 274!" The clerk said quickly.

I began to run back up the stairs and got to her room. I began banging on her door hoping she'd open up.

"Y/n please be there... Y/n... If you don't answer I'm gonna have no choice to kick down this door..." 

I began to get ready to kick down the door when I was greeted by y/n... I didn't know if I was relieved or angry...Her eyes were bloodshot red and it looked like she had been crying.

"Y/n... what... why didn't you pick up my phone calls?! I thought Doyle took you!" I said.

She brought up JJ and asked if I slept with her... 

"Shit she saw the messages and followed me...That doesn't look good..." I thought to myself... 

I almost told her no but I didn't want to scare her and get her more involved. I felt like if I made her hate me enough she can go home and Doyle can leave her out of this and if I die in the process of taking him down, it won't hurt half as bad as it would've if we were together. 

I didn't confirm nor deny sleeping with JJ... I just tried to avoid the whole conversation about JJ and Doyle. I saw her heartbreak through the tears in her eyes and I tried to explain that I love her but part of me just told me to let her go. I watched her walk out and slam the door. Then I heard her let out a soft cry in the hallway, and I began to sob, but I knew this was the best option to keep her safe.

 I sat down on her bed and smelled one of the t-shirts that she wore. I was praying that she'd be safe and Doyle would keep her out of this. I sent her some "goodbye" text messages so she knew I loved her, and I closed my phone, walked to my car, and went straight to Interpol.

"I'm gonna catch this son of a bitch if it's the last thing I do... plus if this means he'll keep y/n out of it, I'll give my life for her any day," I said to myself.

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