Chapter 4 // The Case

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Do you guys know those sexy elevator scenes that happen in those really hot movies and books? The ones where there's that sexual tension and no one is there but the two people who are crazy about each other, and the dominant one puts the hands of their significant other above their head and begins to make out with them, and the next thing you know, the elevator stops 3 floors down to let more people on and you notice that 3 other people walk on. Now you're red in the face, trying to catch your breath, and wishing you could kick the people out of the elevator for 10 more sexy seconds of that? Okay well, that didn't happen in the elevator.... Or at least not in my reality. I envisioned it the whole way down, while the two of us sat silently in the elevator. The sexual tension was there... Or I think it was at least. 

God, I wish she would push me against this damn elevator wall and make out with me... But she was looking at her phone, then looking at me. She was texting Clyde. She began to smile at her phone while texting him, then looked back up at me. I was looking away but I saw her in my peripheral looking at me, then back down to her phone, then back up at me again. What the hell were they talking about? 

Once I heard the elevator ding and saw we were on the main floor, I quickly stepped off, and she followed behind me. She quickly ran to the door in front of me and opened it for me. I thanked her but I felt like this was her moment to walk behind me to check out my ass. That was one of the few things I was proud of. Those squats really worked out for me, not to mention these jeans made it looks NICE. Okay back to focusing. "My car is the black Cadillac escalade to your left." She said, pressing the unlock button. I walked to the passenger seat and got in and looked at her. "Seatbelt." She said while clicking hers in. "Yes ma'am," I thought to myself while I clicked my seatbelt in. 

While we drove to the airport which was 10 minutes away, she began playing The Weeknd, and the first song she started playing was "Often". I, of course, was screaming internally because my fucking boss... My hot ass fucking boss... was playing The Weeknd. So now she's hot, She's intimidating but also kind and caring, AND she's got great music taste. She began to sing along to the song, and I began to quietly hum along as well. She looked at me and smiled, and THEN "Blinding Lights" began to play and she LITERALLY started JAMMING out. I couldn't help but laugh as she basically played the drums but her fingers were the drumsticks and her steering wheel was the drum. She's literally incredible. We both ended up laughing and jamming out to the songs the rest of the way to the airport.

 Once we got there, we drove around the airport to a private parking lot. That's where I saw the jet. We're going on a private jet? Excuse me? I was internally screaming inside but had to act professionally. "Is this what we're going on?" I asked. "Yes, it is. Interpol has a private jet we use to travel for cases." She said as she opened the door and got out. Once we boarded, there was a champagne bottle, and two glasses on the table. "Fancy..." I thought to myself as I took a seat. 

Emily sat right in front of me. Champagne? She asked. I nodded and she began to pour me a glass. She then grabbed her briefcase and pulled out two files, and put one in front of me. "So this case... Ian Doyle. He escaped and now we just have to see if we can track down where he is. He thinks I'm dead so I've got to be as undercover and discreet as possible." She said as she looked up at me and back down at the case. "So as of right now, we're safe?" I asked, still flipping through his files. "Yes, and as long as we remain on the low, we will be." She said seriously. I nodded as I could literally see the fear in her eyes while she talked about him. Was she worried that he would find her? There's no way that he could find her if he thinks she's dead. I looked at her. "We'll catch this son of a bitch... Okay?" I told her as I looked at her while she looked down and then looked into my eyes. There's that stare I always think about. The one that can literally pierce through my soul. She nodded and sat back in her seat. "I hope we will before anyone else gets hurt." She said as she looked out the window and began to pick at her nails.

 I could tell he did some damage to her. What did she do that made him want so much revenge on him. I thought to myself but didn't want to ask. I quickly shifted my attention to her chugging her champagne. "You do know you're supposed to sip it right?" I looked at her with a soft chuckle. "Huh?" She said as she finally realized and rolled her eyes and looked at me " Oh, I am so over that sipping shit... If I could, I'd drink it straight from the bottle... This whole situation is stressing me out." She said as she poured herself another glass. I quickly held my glass up to hers. "To taking down this bastard," I said looking at her. She looked up at me and smiled and replied "To having faith we'll take him down" and our glasses clank together. We both laughed as we took a sip. After, I looked out the window and noticed her staring in my peripheral again. I looked back at her and she quickly looked out the window. I'm literally catching feelings and It's only been two days... This is not like me whatsoever... 

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