Chapter 17: Partners

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Y/Ns Pov:

It's been 6 hours since I walked out on Emily. I had a cup of coffee from the coffee shop and talked to the waiter about life. Afterward, I took a long walk around the block and looked for a few books at the library.

When I got back to my hotel, I went up to my room, poured a glass of wine, and jumped in bed. I got a text notification from Emily that said "Meet me at 65 Place de la Madeleine." I didn't even bother to respond. I jumped into the shower, and could not stop thinking about her. People on the streets reminded me of her, the books I looked at and partially read reminded me of us, the coffee I drank reminded me of the first day we were here together when I had spilled coffee on myself. I missed her, but I couldn't go down that road again.

After I rinsed my hair out, I heard some noises going on from outside my bathroom door. My mind went into panic mode, and I quickly stopped the water and tried to quietly put my robe on. "Shit... My gun under my bed... How do I protect myself?"

I quietly grabbed my robe that was hanging on the hook, and slowly placed my hand on the doorknob. As I started turning the door to open it, I felt someone twisting on the knob that I had my hand placed on.

I began to panic and backed away from the door. "Dear god... It's Doyle.." My heart was racing, and I began to back myself into a corner. The next thing I knew, the door kicked down. There was a blonde girl standing in the doorway of the bathroom. She was holding her gun towards me, and slowly put it away. She looked familiar... The girl Emily was seeing.

"JJ?..." I said out of breath from panicking.

"She's gone..." JJ said with a terrified look on her face.

"What? Who?..." I said confused.

"Emily!" She said angrily.

"What are you talking about?! I saw her this morning..." I said.

"No... Doyle...He...Did she not tell you?!"

"Tell me what?!" I asked

"God! Emily found her... and you... he knew where you guys were! That's why she met up with me... at the hotel... and now she's not at her hotel, and not responding to her texts..." JJ said as she threw me a shirt and some jeans.

"But..." I said confused and worried.

"We have no time to chat, we have to find her..." she said looking at her phone

As I was putting my jeans on, I saw her about to call someone.

"She texted me right before my shower... I just didn't respond..." I said, feeling a bit bad.

"Well what did it say?!" JJ said, running towards my phone and ending her phone call before anyone could. Before I could say anything else, she picked up my phone and read her message.

"It's an address... Let's go..." She said quickly running towards the door.

I quickly put my gun in the back of my jeans and ran after her, and we got in her car.

As we drove to the location, it was pretty quiet. I felt so guilty for the way I acted.

"If I was with her, she would have been safe..." I said shaking my head.

JJ shook her head "Or he would have grabbed you both...Don't underestimate Doyle... He 'killed' her once..."

I looked down, but couldn't help but feel bad.

"I thought you and her were seeing each other..." I said looking at JJ.

"No... I still have a husband... and a family... and you have no idea how much Emily talked about you to the team whenever she would call us for life updates... Ever since you came into her life, she became brighter... I feel as if she was less reckless with everything." JJ said, looking at me and back at the road.

"I just hope she's okay, "I said looking down at one of the selfies we took in our hotel room a few days back.

"She's strong... She'll be okay." JJ said, taking a deep breath in.

As we drove, my phone began to ring. It was Emily. I looked at JJ and quickly picked up the phone call.

"Emily? Where are you?! We've been worried sick!"

I put her on speaker, only to hear a man's voice on the phone chuckling.

"You've got an hour to be at the address I sent you or your pretty little girlfriend will be in pieces..." The man said on the phone.

I covered my mouth, and my eyes filled with tears, then I heard her voice in the background.

"Y/N don't even think about coming here! It's fine!" She said, and then I heard a punch, and Emily cried in agony.

"Doyle... What do you want?.." I said angrily.

He chuckled again. "To hurt Emily... and I know this one will hurt. Be here."

Before I could say anything else, he hung up the phone.

I looked at JJ and she looked at me. We both nodded understandingly and she stepped on the acceleration.

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