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*For new people reading this. I am slightly editing this story so if peoples comments appear on different lines than they were referring to, that's why*


Year 1941

Let's just say Edmund was stuck. He had no clue where Peter or his sisters were and he was currently stuck. He was surrounded by girls that were flirting with him, girls in which he was not interested in the slightest.

He had always known from a young age that he was certainly gay. He never really had an awakening he just never was interested in girls and concluded that he was in fact gay.

He didn't get how his 13 years old, lesbian sister Lucy came out so easily. He had been trying to come out for years but was never successful which was probably mostly because he was scared of what people would think of him.

Lucy got called homophobic slurs all the time and he didn't feel like being hate crimed, so he acted as straight as possible. What made everything worse was that Susan was desperately trying to get him a girlfriend. He sighed and pushed all his thoughts aside.

"Well, I have to go ladies if you will excuse me," he stated quickly rushing away from them. He soon heard people chanting "fight" so he followed the chanting. It got louder and Edmund saw his brother fighting three other boys. He ran through the crowd and also started fighting.

He heard Susan and Lucy yell his name, but he ignored them. Suddenly the professors came rushing in and blew their whistle, also pulling the boys off each other.

The Pevensie siblings exited the scene and him, Lucy, and Susan sat down on a bench with Peter standing in front of them. "What was it this time?" Susan asked, not surprised at what just happened.

"He bumped me," Peter replied calmly. The other three rolled their eyes.

"So you hit him?!" Lucy exclaimed.

"No," Peter plainly said as a soldier passed by them. "After he bumped me, they tried to make me apologize! That's when I hit him."

"Really, is it that hard to just walk away?" Susan asked. She was tired of how Peter acted at this point.

"I shouldn't have to!" Peter snapped. "I mean don't you ever get tired of being treated like a kid!!"

"Um, we are kids," Edmund pointed out.

"Well I wasn't always!" Peter stated. "It's been almost two year." He walked over and sat back down between Edmund and Lucy. "How long does he expect us to wait?!"

"I think it's time to accept that we live here. There's no use pretending any different," Susan replied, crossing her arms over her chest. She quickly seemed to have spotted someone in the crowd. "Oh no, pretend you're talking to me."

"We are talking to you," he replied. Edmund was being himself and sassily correcting people. It was like a natural instinct to him at this point.

Suddenly Lucy winced in pain and stood up. "Ow!!" She exclaimed.

"Quite Lu," Susan said.

"Something pinched me!!" She explained.

"Ow, stop pulling," Peter suddenly said, standing up and facing Edmund.

"I'm not touching you!" Edmund defended.

"What is that?" Susan asked as she and Edmund stood up.

"It feels like magic!" Lucy exclaimed with a smile.

"Quick, everyone hold hands!" Susan demanded suddenly in oldest sister mode.

"I'm not holding your hand!!" Edmund yelled, pulling his hand away from his brother.

"Come on!" Peter yelled grabbing Edmund's hand again.

The train station started falling apart and a beach started forming in front of the siblings.


Year 2303

Suddenly in a blink of an eye, they were standing in a cave on the beach. "Wow..." Lucy sighed, her mouth was open and she was observing all around the beach.

So, in conclusion they found out that they were in Narnia. A couple of days later they also ran into a dwarf named Trumpkin. He explained how someone had blown the horn and that's why the siblings were summoned. They spent the next couple of weeks trying to find everyone, but they were all gone.

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