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Year 1944

Edmund was fighting with the army guard over if he was 18 or not when Lucy walked in with the groceries in her hands. "Ed you are supposed to be helping with the groceries."

Edmund groaned and the boys in line behind him laughed. "Nice try kid." One of them laughed, ruffling up his hair. He walked outside with Lucy.

"Thanks, Lu." He said sarcastically.

"What were you even doing in there. You aren't 18."

"Wow, I didn't know that." He replied. Lucy rolled her eyes at her brother's sarcasm. "It's not fair! I turn 18 in 2 months."

"Why do you even want to join the army? Is it because it reminds you of fighting in Narnia?"

"Why do you have to bring Narnia into everything."

"Me?! You are the one who doesn't stop talking about it and more specifically Caspian who you claim to not love, but you talk about him like he's some god."

"For the last time, I don't love him. How many times do I have to tell you."

"For the love of Aslan Ed. Your denial is painful to watch."

"Try being in my position for a day. I've been cheated on more than 1 time in the last year."

ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚

Edmund was laying on his sisters' bed because there was no peace in his and Eustace's room. He was annoyed because his sister was right, he still loved Caspian.

He couldn't stop thinking about him, but there was no way he was trusting Caspian or anyone. He had been cheated on by multiple guys in the last year so his trust issues were terrible at this point.

"Hey, Ed. What are you doing in here." Lucy asked walking into her room.

"Getting peace. You are lucky to have your own room, Lu. Record stinker is an annoying little shit."

Lucy laughed quietly. "He is pretty annoying."

"Hey, Lucy have you seen this ship before?" Edmund asked standing up and walking over to the painting on Lucy's wall.

"Yes, it's very Narnia looking isn't it."

"Yeah. Just another reminder that we are here and not there." He said sadly and Lucy frowned at him.

"Will you finally admit that you at least miss him."

"Of course I miss him! I lo-" Lucy smirked at him. "Shit I'm an idiot."

"Knew it."

Eustace walked into the room looking disgusted. "There were once two gay orphans who waisted their time believing in Narnia and nursery rimes."

"Please let me hit him," Edmund stated, but Lucy held him back. "Do you ever knock?"

"It's my house. I do as I please, you're just guests. What's so fascinating about that picture anyways... it hideous."

"You won't see it from the other side of the door." Eustace gave him a sassy look.

"Edmund it looks like the water is actually moving." Lucy smiled hopefully.

"What rubbish see? That's what happens when you read those fancy novels and fairy tales of yours." Eustace sassed.

"There was once a boy named Eustace who read books full of facts that were useless." Edmund sassed back.

"People who read fairytales are always sort like I'm a hideous burden of people like me, who read books with real information."

Edmund turned around and walked closer to his cousin. "Hideous burden?! I haven't seen you lift a single one of your tiny fingers since I got here. I have the right mind to tell your father that it was you who stole aunt alberta's sweets!"

"Liar!" Eustace yelled and started walking towards the door, but Edmund locked it.

"Oh really?" The painting suddenly started moving and leaking water.

"Edmund the painting!" Lucy gasped.

"I found them under your bed, and you know what? I licked every single one of them." Edmund stated looking proud of himself.

"Ew, I'm infected with you." Eustace gave him a disgusted look. The water then started splashing and flooding out of the painting, finally catching the two boys' attention. Lucy was already soaked from the water and was looking disappointingly at the boys.

"What's going on here? This is some kind of trick, someone call mother. MOTHER." Eustace panicked.

Edmund and Lucy were smiling because they knew they were going to Narnia. "Oh, I'll just smash the stupid thing." Eustace sighed.

The sibling's faces changed and they reacted quickly. They tried to get the painting out of his hands. "No Eustace. No!" Edmund yelled.

"He got it! Let go!" Lucy yelled.

ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚

Year 2306

The painting fell to the floor and the whole room filled with water. They tried to swim to the surface and when they did they saw a giant ship.

Lucy looked beside her and saw Eustace struggling to stay above the water. "Eustace swim!" She yelled. The ship was still heading towards them so they tried to swim away. Two people then jumped in the water.

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