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Of course, all good things came to an end and unfortunately that was what happened on October 15, 1948.

Everything with Susan had been going pretty good until one night when she just didn't wake up. Caspian remembered standing in the hospital room that one fall morning and just crying well holding a sobbing Edmund. Peter had his arms wrapped around a crying Lucy as he too cried. Eustace was sitting in corner of the room in shock with a sad look on his face, but he wasn't crying considering he was never that close to Susan and didn't feel he had the right to be crying when his friends had lost so much more.

But, now the three remaining, aside from Eustace who had already went home, were riding their bikes to the Pevensie house. "You sure your parents don't mind that i'm staying with you guys at such a bad time, Ed?" Caspian asked.

"It's fine. My parents are really nice people and are probably glad you are here for us at such a bad time." Edmund explained. "Don't stress it."

"Yeah, Cas. I'm sure they will love you." Peter smiled. "Are you going to tell them you are dating Caspian?"

"When the time is right, but I won't be here much longer so that will probably be soon." Edmund explained.

"I'm going to miss this place." Peter said.

"So am I, but we can't have both."

Peter nodded and they were silent the rest of the way there. When they arrived Edmund knocked and his two parents opened the door. "Hello! Come in, come in." Mary Pevensie greeted them with a smile.

"Hi mum." Edmund smiled, pulling her into a hug. They all stepped inside and walked into the living room where Edward Pevensie was siting in his is chair reading the newspaper.

"Hey kids. Whats up?" He asked, setting the paper down.

"Nothing." Lucy shrugged before picking up their family cat off the couch and walking upstairs to her room.

Edmund realized his parents were probably confused who Caspian was. "Oh yeah! This is my um... friend... Caspian." Peter smirked knowingly and Caspian look at his feet awkwardly.

"Hey." Caspian stated.

"Nice to meet you." Mary smiled. "I'm Mary Pevensie."

"And i'm Edward Pevensie, but please call me Eddie."

"Nice to meet you both." He said before sitting down on the couch, Edmund following him. Peter sat down next to Edmund who was sitting surprisingly far away from Caspian.

The five talked for awhile. Edmund leaned to the side to whisper to Caspian. "Wanna go upstairs, now?"

Edmund's breath sent shivers down his spine and he smiled to myself. "I'd like that."

They both stood up and got up three steps before Mary spoke. "Oh yeah, you have to go back to school, Edmund."

Edmund quickly spun on his heel so he was facing his family. "What?! Why?! What happened to homeschooling me like you did during the war?!"

"I have a lot on my plate right now and can't teach you and neither can your father. You can get into better colleges if you finish your last year at an actual school anyway."

"Fine." He sighed before walking up the steps and into his room where he pulled Caspian into a kiss. The taller one smiled against the kiss and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's waist. Edmund pulled away after about ten seconds and sat down on his bed. Caspian sat down next to him. He noticed Edmund looked down and nervous. "You okay, my love?" Edmund nodded weakly and fiddled with the rings on his fingers. "Ed, don't lie. You only mess with your rings when you are sad or nervous."

"I'm fine Cas, its just the school thing and Susan."

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked softly.

"Not right now."

Caspian nodded and gave him a soft kiss on the forehead. "Okay, just know i'm here if you want to talk. I love you"

Edmund smiled and gave Caspian a quick peck on the lips. "I love you too."

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