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Edmund was just staring at the fire, he couldn't sleep. He was thinking of Caspian and how he wanted to pick up his stuff and move back with Caspian which he ended up doing. "Hey, Ed. Can't sleep?"

"Yeah." He said laying down and staring up at the stars.

"Same. My dad used to tell me story's about the stars when I was little. He always knew how to entertain me every second of every day and then when I was 9 my uncle killed him well I was at school. What sucks is that we fought the previous day and I said some messed up shit that I never got to apologize for. From that day on I imagined sailing to the world and seeing my father there."

Edmund grabbed his hand and squeezed it, he knew how hard it was for Caspian to talk about his dad. It had always been a sore subject. "Maybe you will."

"You think," Caspian said letting a tear escape his eye.

"I know." Edmund smiled reaching up and wiping Caspian's tear away. "Let's go on a walk."

With that, they both ran off and walked to the edge of the cliff.


Lucy and Gael were both laying down. Gael was playing with the necklace she had around her neck that had a picture of her mom in it. "I miss my mom."

"I miss mine too, but hopefully you will see yours again soon."

"Yeah. I'm sure you will see yours too considering you are going back to England."

"Actually I don't know if I'm going back."

"What?! Why?" Gael asked sitting up so she was at Lucy's level.

"Someone made me change my mind."

"And who is it that Lu?"

"You." She smiled. Gael's face quickly spread into a blush and they were silent for a moment before Lucy spoke again. "Sorry. I shouldn't have said t-."

Gael grabbed Lucy by the shirt and pulled her into a quick kiss. "Shut up Lu. You know bloody well that I like you too I mean look at me I look like a tomato."

"I mean so do I. I was just trying to apologize before you grabbed me by my shirt and pulled me into a kiss which by the way was too short for my liking." Lucy smiled and leaned forward connecting their lips again, but slower than the last.


"It's so pretty here at night." Caspian smiled.

"Yeah. In London, all you hear is cars and random stuff all night. Plus it's not very pretty there."

"I would explain what it's like back home, but you've already been there."

"Yeah, and my experience wasn't that great." That statement made Caspian frown and look at the floor and Edmund quickly apologized. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that. Please don't think I'm mad it's just something I can't forget."

"No, it's fine. You are allowed to talk about it because I know how bad that must have hurt. I was young and a big fucking jerk and idiot. I promise I've changed."

"Oh, I know you have. You seem like a different person now."

They were silent for a while because the tension was so thick and neither knew what to say. "Edmund I can't help, but think you don't like me. I feel like you think of me more as a brother or best friend."

Edmund quickly snapped his head towards Caspian. The statement had caught him off guard. They hadn't really talked about their relationship a lot and he was panicking now that they were. "What makes you think that?"

"Every time I make a move you push me away. I've tried so many times Ed."

Shit, he had been pushing Caspian away this whole time. How hadn't he realized? "Cas... I- I don't know what to say about that. I don't think of you as a brother nor best friend."

"I don't believe you."

Well screw it, Edmund was out of ideas. This could either go terribly wrong or amazing there was no in between, but he did it anyway. He went on his tiptoes and whispered in Caspian's ear. "I love you."

Caspian's breath hitched and a huge smile formed on his face. "What."

"I love you Cas and I think I have for a lot longer than I realized I have. The day I met you and we talked, I felt safe and like everything was right. When we kissed I felt the happiest I had in years and when I found out you were using me it felt like I had been stabbed in the heart multiple times, but I was never mad, just hurt. Throughout the whole time I dated the three guys I could never get you off my mind it was like you were haunting me and when I saw you again I felt happy. I love you and I don't care if you don't return the feelings, but just know I do love you."

"I love you too," Caspian said wrapping his arms around Edmunds's waist and pulling him closer. "Can I kiss you or are you not ready." He asked softly brushing a piece of hair out of Edmunds's eyes.

"Yes, you can." He said quietly. That was all Caspian needed to hear and he connected their lips into a slow and long kiss as Edmund brought his hands up to cup Caspian cheeks.

It was a kiss of two boys who had loved each other for a while and had wanted to kiss for the last year. Eventually, they both pulled away with big grins on their faces.

"We should head back now." Edmund smiled.

"Okay." Caspian then realized something. "Wait."


"I never asked you something. Will you be my boyfriend?"

"Yes of course now let's go I'm tired."

"Okay but cuddles?"

"Of course Cas."


They woke up wrapped in each other's arms. They were one the first ones up beside Lucy who was reading and had her arm around a sleeping Gael. "Morning lover birds." She smiled looking up from her book. "We will talk about this little interaction I woke up to later because Gael will be pleased to know. So mine and Gaels room at 1:00."

Everyone else woke up a couple of minutes later and they loaded back onto the ship. When they did the two boys headed down to the girl's room who was waiting for them. "Is this finally happening?" Gael said pointing at Caspian and Edmund.

Caspian and Edmund kissed and the two girls got way too excited. "Tell me everything!" Lucy exclaimed.

"Why the fuck are you so interested in my love life."

"Because I'm Lucy and your sister now answers the question."

"We just confessed our love for each other and kissed. It's really not that exciting."

"Yeah pretty much." Caspian shrugged.

"Also I'm assuming this is a thing too now," Edmund said pointing at the two girls.

"It sure is." Lucy smiled. "So we have Lael and Casmund now. The best ships ever if you ask me."

In The Stars | CasmundWhere stories live. Discover now