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One of them grabbed Eustace and the other grabbed Lucy. "It's alright we've got you." Lucy knew that voice.

"Caspian?" She exclaimed.

"Lucy." He smiled.

"Edmund! It's Caspian." She yelled. Caspian got on the ship first and handed Lucy a towel.

"Caspian!" Edmund exclaimed. Lucy looked at them both and walked away.

"Edmund!" He smiled. Caspian assumed they were on good terms and put his arm around the younger one. "It's great to see you."

"Great to see you too." They headed over to Lucy.

"How in the world did you guys end up here?"  Caspian asked.

"I don't know but I'm glad to be here." Edmund smiled and Lucy nodded.

"Ew gets that thing off me," Eustace yelled throwing Reepicheep off him.

"I was trying to expel the water from your lungs sir," Reepicheep stated.

"Did you hear that? Did anyone just heart that, it just talked?"

"He always talks." A man said.

"It's getting him to shut up." Caspian joked making the crew laugh.

"When my words are not needed I will be silent."

"I don't know what kind of dream this is or where I am, but I want to wake up right now!" Eustace yelled.

"You're on the dawn treader. The finest ship in Narnia's navy." A minator said. Eustace passed out. 

Caspian walked up the stairs and everyone looked at him. "Edmund and Lucy Pevensie. High King and Queen of Narnia." Everyone bowed at the mention of the two. Caspian made his way back down to the siblings. "Let's get you two in some dry clothes. I'm sure some of my clothes will fit you."


Later that day the admiral came in and they went over how they were going to take over lands.

"There's peace all across Narnia, haven't seen a problem in the last 3 years," Caspian stated.

"Peace?" Edmund asked surprised.

"Yeah." Caspian shrugged.

"And have you found yourself a queen in those three years?" Lucy smirked.

"No." Caspian smiled looking directly at Edmund who was already blushing. Lucy could see the blush forming on Edmund's cheeks.

"Hang on. If there are no wars in Narnia then why are we here?" Edmund asked confused.

"I have no clue. I'm just happy you came back, Ed."

"Can I talk to you alone for a moment Caspian?" Edmund said quickly.

"Of course." They left and walked into the bedroom. "What is it, Ed?"

"Look I've had some bad experience with some guys back in England and it's hard for me to trust people right now so can we please just be friends....for now."

Caspian pulled him into a hug and Edmund melted into the older ones arms. "Of course Ed. Sorry if I made you uncomfortable."

"Not it's fine. It's not like you were heavily flirting with me."

"Okay good."


Caspian and Edmund were sword fighting because Edmund needed practice before they arrived at the island. They both were really good so it was a close call, but Edmund lost focus for one moment and Caspian had one.

They stayed in their current position for a moment staring into each other's eyes and smiling. "You've grown stronger Ed," Caspian said patting Edmund's shoulder.

Edmund got a drink and walked over to Lucy. Eustace was complaining to her. He only caught the last part of the conversation. "Do to my intelligence." He spit out his drink and Lucy hit him on the shoulder.

"Edmund!" She laughed. Caspian walked over to them smiling. "What's got you so joyful."

"Oh, nothing." He said quickly. "Just.... Happy?"


"Oh yeah, Edmund," Eustace said.

"Yeah pee brain."

"Who was that guy that you are in love with? He is surely on this ship. Wasn't his name C-." Lucy tackled him to the floor and covered his mouth. Caspian was looking at them suspiciously and Edmund was dying inside as he awkwardly stood there.

"It was Chris. Yeah, Chris." Lucy said quickly noticing the awkward tension. Edmund mentally cursed to himself. Caspian just walked away laughing.

"That was the best name you could come up with Lu?!"

"Sorry I panicked." She shrugged.

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