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Year 1015

Edmund quickly hid in the closet as Lucy and a nymph entered the room. He watched them through the small crack in the closet door. He immediately recognized the nymph. Actina. Actina was the most human out of all the nymphs in Narnia. Lucy also had a huge crush on Actina.

The two girls spoke in hushed whispers and before he knew it, Actina was kissing Lucy and pinning her against the desk in the middle of the room. Edmunds sister kissed her back eagerly and Edmund smirked to himself.

Eventually the two girls broke apart and Actina pressed a quick kiss to Lucy's lips before leaving the room. "I know you are in there. You can come out now, Ed," Lucy told him.

"I'm gay," he joked as he stepped out of the closet.

She gave him an unimpressed look. "Haha," she deadpanned. "You think you are hilarious don't you?"

"Uh huh," he answered as he collapsed onto the sofa, draping himself lazily over it. His curls tickled his forehead and he blew on them.

"You look like a child doing that Edmund. May I remind you that you are-," Susan scolded as her and Peter joined them in the room.

"Twenty-five. Yeah I know, Susan," Edmund finished for her.

"Come on you two. We are going for a ride," Peter told them. "We are going hunting for the white stag."


His three siblings all went ahead, but he stopped. Eventually the three of him came back. "Well come on, Ed," Susan told him.

"Sorry, I'm just catching my breath."

"Well at this rate that's all we will catch. Come on," his older sister ordered.

"What's this?" Peter asked as he climbed off his horse and walked towards a lamppost. They all joined him. "It looks familiar."

"As if a dream," Lucy agreed. "Or a dream of a dream. Wait, spare oom."

She walked away and they all followed her in confusion.

"Lucy!" Peter yelled after her. "Lu?"

"Come on!" She yelled as they ran through the trees.

"These aren't branches!" Edmund yelled as they made their way through the trees.

"They're coats..." Susan stated.

"Susan you are on my foot!" Edmund yelled at her.

"Peter get out of the way!" Lucy yelled.

"Will you all just stop shoving!" Susan yelled back.


Year 1939

They all broke through the branches and through... the wardrobe. They were back to when they first stumbled into the wardrobe.

"Oh come on! I'm back to being fourteen again! Now I have to go through puberty all over again!" Edmund complained as he looked down at his teenage self.

They all expressed their agreement on his frustration.

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