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Edmund walked over to where Caspian was standing. Everyone was watching his brother and Miraz fighting. Peter suddenly stabbed Miraz in the knee. He then stabbed him in the same place.

"Ah! Stop, break." Miraz cried out in pain.

"There's no time for mercy Peter," Edmund said.

The battle continued and eventually, Peter stabbed his side and Miraz fell onto his knees. He told Peter to kill him, but he didn't.

"What's the matter, kid? To coward to take A life?"

"No, it isn't mine to take," Peter said handing the sword to Caspian.

Caspian held the sword in the air and pointed it at his uncle. Then they yelled and stabbed the floor with it.

Miraz walked over to Sopespian. "I'll deal with you when this is over."

"It is over," Sopespian stated stabbing him with an arrow. Miraz fell face-first onto the ground, dead. "They shot our king! Attack."

Someone came up behind Edmund and was about to attack him. "EDMUND WATCH OUT," Caspian yelled. Peter turned around and killed the telmarine.

Caspian ran to Edmund and grabbed his arm. "Go! Isn't safe for you Ed." Caspian said looking into Edmund's eyes with his hands on Edmund's shoulders.

"Cas I'll be fine. I've done this before." Edmund stated. Caspian thought about it for a moment and then nodded. They both counted to 10 and ran out to fight.

The Narnia's were losing when suddenly the roots of the tears came out of the ground and started attacking the telmarines, thanks to Aslan.

They all evacuated to the river and when they got there Lucy and Aslan were standing on the other side of the bridge. When the Telmarines ran onto the bridge Aslan enchanted it making the bridge fly all over. The Telmarines all fell into the water. Aslan and Lucy walked over to Edmund, Peter, and Capsian.

Caspian kneeled down at the sight of Aslan who then made him a king. Caspian stood up and turned to his left to look at Edmund who was smiling at him. They gave each other a look that said "Thank god you are alive".

Lucy and Peter walked over to the two boys. "Follow us. We have a surprise for you two." Peter smiled.

They brought them to a very small cottage in the woods and when the two stepped in they locked the door. "You're not coming out until you do the right thing," Lucy stated as she and Peter sat outside the door.

Edmund groaned knowing why they were in here. "I hate them. I should have known this would happen."

"Huh? I'm so confused right now." Capsian thought about it for a moment and when the realization hit him he also groaned. "Great um."

"I think we both know why they locked us in here. We don't have to Cas. Pete, Lu we d-" Caspian shut the younger one up by kissing him and they heard giggles outside from the fact that Edmund's sentence was cut short.

Edmund was surprised for a second but kissed back wrapping his arms around Caspians waist. Edmund realized this was wrong and pulled away. "Cas we can't." He started to leave.

Caspian grabbed his wrist. "But we can Ed. I'll break up with Susan if that's what it takes to be with you."

"You promise?"

"I promise. Edmund Pevensie will you be my boyfriend?"

"Yes of course I will!" Edmund explained pulling him into a long kiss. "Just please break up with Susan."

Caspian nodded and they banged on the door. Peter and Lucy opened it.

"Are you guys dating?" Peter asked looking down at their connected hands.

"Yeah, we are." Caspian smiled.

"Yes, our plan worked!" Lucy exclaimed hugging them both. "I and Pete are now your wingman's and number 1 shippers!"

"I love you guys." Edmund smiled hugging both of his siblings.

"Hey what about me." Caspian joked.

"I love you too idiot but you thankfully aren't my sibling."

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