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"Ed wake up!! Lu and Pete are missing!!" Susan yelled. Edmund bolted up and they searched everywhere in the woods and eventually found their siblings.

A very handsome man with long brown hair and brown eyes was pointing a sword at Peter. There were a lot of Narnians surrounding them

"Peter!!" Susan yelled. There was a silence, but the man broke it.

"You're King Peter?" He asked.

"I believe you called," Peter stated.

"Yes, but I thought you'd be older," the man pointed out.

"Well if you like, we can come back in a few years," Peter replied sarcastically.

"No!" He quickly said. Edmund felt heat radiat to his cheeks as he stared at the man. "It's alright, you're just not exactly what I expected," he added looking directly at Susan as the two of them made eye contact.

"Neither are you," Edmund quickly said after noticing the interaction that the man and his sister were having.


They were all heading back to the camp now. Susan and Caspian were walking next to each other so Edmund ran up to them. "Heys guys! What's up," he said awkwardly. Susan rolled her eyes and walked back with Lucy.

"Hello," Caspian greeted.

"So you're Caspian right?" Edmund asked and Caspian nodded. "Well, I'm Edmund Pevensie or King Edmund, but please don't call me King Edmund."

"Okay. Friends?" Caspian asked holding his hand out. Edmund just nodded, afraid he would shake Caspian's hand in more of a gay way than a straight way. "Also why did Lucy punch me in the arm when I asked if she had a boyfriend? I was just trying to be nice and start conversation?"

Edmund burst out laughing. "That sounds like Lu. She's a raging lesbian. She probably thought you were being a weirdo and trying to hit on her."

"Ah, that makes sense," Caspian replied with a laugh.


"Guys you will never guess what I found out!" Lucy smirked

"Lu don't you dare tell them!!" Susan yelled.

"Susan likes Cas!!" Lucy laughed. Peter burst out laughing and Edmund just kept a straight face.

"Cool," Edmund stated, walking out of the tent.

He walked out onto where there were giant rocks and he sat down on one.

"Hey," he heard Caspian's voice from behind him. He turned around and smiled at Caspian.

"Hi, Cas." Edmund sighed. "What's up?"

"I just wanted to check on you because I saw you leave the tent looking half hurt. Also, I feel like it's something to do with you and Susan because you guys don't seem the most civil." Caspian said as he sat down at Edmund's side.

"Oh, we just are being typical siblings and having little fights. Actually, we aren't even really fighting. It's just... complicated."

"Okay, good. I hate all this war stuff. I just want everyone to be civil for once and by that I mean the Telmarines and Narnia's," Caspian said with a sigh as he watched the sunset in the distance.

"Yeah. You should have seen Narnia in the Golden Age, it was beautiful and people were semi civil," Edmund smiled at all the memories of the last time he was in Narnia. "I guess I was hoping it would still be like that when we returned, but deep down I knew it wouldn't be."

"Yeah, sadly it isn't, but hopefully it will be soon," Caspian replied. "This is off-topic, but your family has amazing genes. You all looked quite attractive in your paintings, but seeing you in person really highlights your beauty further."

Edmund laughed nervously?" And what sibling has the best genes," he asked jokingly.

"I have no clue, Ed."

"Well, you're straight so not me or Peter and Lucy is a lesbian," Edmund explained. He wanted the answer to be him, but the odds were incredibly low.

"I guess that leaves me with Susan, doesn't it?"



"Do you like Susan?"

"I suppose I do. She is beautiful and sweet. Of course I like her. It could be love at first sight, but I'm not really all that familiar with love so I suppose I wouldn't truly know," Caspian answered with a giddy smile.

Edmunds heart stopped and he quickly stood up. "Well, congratulations for figuring that out I guess. I have to go, bye!" He stated as he quickly ran away from the rocks. Caspian's head was filled with confusion now, but he just shrugged it off.

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