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The three Pevensies and Eustace had been staying on and off with Susan who was dying, as much as they didn't like to admit it, for the last 4 weeks. Lucy and Eustace had been sleeping on the small couch thing they had in there since they were the youngest and Edmund and Peter had been sleeping in the chairs. It wasn't the most comfortable thing ever, but it worked.

Edmund was sitting on the steps outside Susan's room and silently crying when Peter appeared in front of him and sat down next to his brother. "You okay, Ed?"

Edmund just shrugged. "I just don't feel myself anymore. With Susan practically dead already and saying goodbye to Caspian for probably forever... it's just... stressful."

Peter nodded. "I want to go back to Narnia. I was wrong to say I didn't want to. It's just.... I don't feel myself here and I never have."

"I know the feeling." Edmund stated. "It's like a piece of you is missing when you come back here and it just.... sucks. Aslan thinks i'm done with Narnia, but i'm not and I don't think I ever will be. I could care less that I almost die every time I go there because it's my home."

"I talked to Lucy about it and I don't think she will go back if we gets the chance." Peter frowned.

"Really? I mean she has a girlfriend back in Narnia." Edmund was shocked.

"She said she is happier here. I'm sure Eustace wants to go back, but Aslan won't send him till he needs him because unlike him he still doesn't really have a choice on what to do, but at least he can still go back and forth. We have to pick and it's hard."

"Well i'm going back if I get the choice."

Peter thought about it for a moment. "Me too." He smiled.


Year 2308

Caspian hadn't seen his boyfriend in a year and he missed him greatly. He didn't know how long it had been in England, but it probably wasn't long. Being king wasn't as fun without him and he wondered if Susan had died already or if he had the chance to see her. Aslan hadn't left yet so Caspian decided to go visit him. "Hey Aslan." Caspian stated when he found Aslan.

"Yes, Caspian?"

"Look, Edmund loves it here and face it, is a way better king then I am. I love him and I promised I would figure out a way to get him back here so please just try at least."

"I know it may be hard, but Edmund has made his choice." Aslan stated.

Caspian felt annoyed at the lion standing in front of him. "Yeah because his sister is dying! He isn't that selfish that he will just not go visit her. No offense, but you didn't make him choose at the best time. Just please try to make him come back."

"I'll try." Aslan stated and Caspian could tell he was going to disappear again.

"Wait! Can I possibly go visit Susan just for a little bit..." He asked.


Year 1944

It was the next week and Susan had gotten worse and it was making everyone more stressed. They were all sitting in the room. Susan was awake and talking to Lucy, Eustace was reading, Peter was boredly playing with his overgrown bangs, and Edmund was finishing up his breakfast. Suddenly the door to Susan's room opened and Edmund spit out his juice when he saw who was standing at the doorway, Caspian. The rest of their mouths fell open and Susan smiled.

"You jerk." Edmund smiled before running forward and pulling his boyfriend into a hug.

Caspian smiled and wrapped his arms around Edmund. "Hey Edmund." He laughed. "Not exactly the first thing I expected you to say to me."

"How do you like London?" Lucy asked after the two had separated and Caspian had gave them all hugs.

Caspian hummed. "It's weird. What are those things that are moving outside?"

Edmund laughed. "Those are cars, love. People ride in them to get to places."

"Ah, that makes sense. We need some of those in Narnia don't you think?"

"Yes, but this is the modern world. It isn't a fairytale land like Narnia is."

"What year is it?"

"1948." Peter answered.

"1948?!" Caspian exclaimed.

"Yep. I've done it 3 times so i'm quite used to it by now." Edmund smiled.

"Nice clothes." Susan teased and Caspian turned to smile at her.

Edmund took in Caspians outfit for the first time that day. He was wearing a white oxford with a navy blue vest over it, grey dress pants, and blacks shoes. "Hey Susan. Still have the ring?"

She nodded and held up her hand to reveal her identical silver ring that had the infinity sign on it. "Yep, now get out of here and go snog my brother somewhere."

Caspian rolled his eyes before stepping out of the room with Edmund and they walked out of the hospital. "So where are we going to go?" Caspian asked.

"How about the beach. I want to teach you how to ride a bike."

"A bike?" Caspian asked out of confusion.

"This thing." Edmund stated as he pointed to his and Peter's bike that he had just rolled out of the rack. He rolled Peter's over to Caspian and told him to just push it as they walked. When Caspian tried to hold his hand he frowned. "You can't really do that here Cas."

Caspian frowned. "Why not?"

"Well people here don't really you know like gay people like us so it's just safer to wait till we are in private." Edmund explained, wishing they were in Narnia where he hadn't found any homophobic people yet.

"Oh." Caspian stated.

They walked to the beach in a comfortable silence. When they arrived the beach was empty which made sense since it was fall. "Okay so how do you ride this thing?" Caspian asked.

Edmund went on explaining and showing Caspian how to ride it. "You try."

Caspian got on the bike and started the peddle forward. He made it a couple feet before the bike tipped over and he came tumbling onto the sand. Edmund burst out laughing and Caspian joined him. Caspian tried a couple more times and ended up back in the sand before he finally did it right. "You did it!" Edmund cheered.

"That's kind of fun. Hurts less then riding a horse."

"Ye-." Before Edmund could get his sentence out Caspian pushed him into the cold water. "Caspian!"

The taller one laughed and Edmund stood up and splashed his boyfriend. "Edmund!"

"Payback." Edmund smirked. They started splashing each other until Caspian stopped.

"You win." He muttered and Edmund smiled with satisfaction.

They walked out of the water and Caspian laid down in the sand and Edmund laid down next to him. "When are you going back to Narnia?" Edmund asked.

"I was sent here to say goodbye to Susan and then bring you back to Narnia so whenever you want."

"Peter wants to go back."


Edmund nodded. "Lucy doesn't want to."

"And Eustace?"

"Not sure yet."

"What if Aslan doesn't let Peter come back?"

Edmund just smiled. "I'll have you and that's all I need."

Edmund sat up slightly so he could connect his and Caspian's lips together. Caspian smiled before accepting the kiss and finding his hands quickly tangled in Edmund's hair and Edmund's cupping his cheeks.

They stayed like that for awhile before riding their bikes back to the hospital.

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