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Edmund was getting ready for his second week of school while Caspian sat on the bed complaining about the girl that was hitting on him at the grocery store. "It was ridiculous, Ed!"

"I bet it was," Edmund mused before she sat down next to Caspian, a smirk appearing on his lips. "But, you are going to have to get used to it considering how handsome you are. I wouldn't mind hitting on you."

"Oh please do." Caspian smirked and Edmund inched forward with enough force to knock Caspian onto his back. Edmund connected their lips together eagerly before climbing onto Caspian.

Sadly, their little moment was interrupted by someone clearing their throat. They immediately pulled apart and Edmund rolled off Caspian. "Great, now that I have your attention, Edmund we have to leave so come on," Lucy said.

Edmund made a noise of annoyance before grabbing his bag. He gave Caspian a quick peck on the lips. "Bye, love you."

The two youngest Pevensies exited the room and left for school. "I'm so happy I don't have to go to that stupid boarding school anymore," Lucy said.

"Yeah, but this one sucks too so good luck for the next four years. I'm glad I'm graduating."

"Lucky, bastard," she muttered. They arrived at school and parked their bikes before stepping inside. "Well, see you later Ed."

She walked off the opposite way that Edmund went.


It was now after school. He volunteered to stay after school to paint the props for the play so that was was he was doing currently. Much to his annoyance, his ex was sitting a few feet away from him. They were the only ones in the theatre.

"So how have you been?" The boy across from him said.

Edmund just looked up from the prop he was painting for a moment to shoot him a glare.

"Seriously Edmund, grow up. It's been a year, you don't have to hold a grudge still! It's not my fault she was prettier than you. I just did what every smart person would do."

"I don't care," Edmund lied in a dry tone.

"Really? Cause it seems you do," Andrew smirked before scooting forward close enough that their knees were touching.

"Don't fucking touch me!" Edmund spat as he scooted away.

The boy laughed before scooting closer again and sliding his hand up Edmund's thigh. Edmund tensed. "Oh come on, you know you love it, Pevensie."

He gave the blonde boy a harsh shove before standing up. "I told you not to fucking touch me. I don't love it, but I'm sure you do don't you? That's why you are doing this. It's your way of getting what you are craving without admitting to yourself you are gay."

"I'm not gay," Andrew gritted out through clenched teeth. "I'm not a weirdo like you."

"So you wouldn't have kissed me or done even more if I hadn't stopped you just now? Cause it seemed like you wanted-."

Before he knew it, Andrew was sucker punching him straight in the face. He stumbled backwards. Blood gushed from his nose and he felt the metallic taste of blood in his mouth. He punched the blonde boy back.

"You can suppress your sexuality all you bloody want, it doesn't mean you have to hurt people simultaneously," Edmund pointed out.

Andrew rolled his eyes before walking towards the doors. "Whatever, I'm leaving now."


Edmund entered the door to his house and he instantly grabbed a tissue and brought it to his nose. The whole front of his shirt was drenched in blood.

His mother appeared in the doorway and she looked at him in horror and concern. "Edmund what happened to you? Who did this? Why-."

"Mum I need to talk to you about something," he stated, his voice cracking as he did so. If he was going to the return to Narnia and she was going to forget him, there was things he wanted and needed to tell her before he returned.

She motioned for him to follow her onto the sofa. He sat down next to her. "What is it, dear? You know you can talk to me about anything."

He bit his lip nervously. "Mum, I'm gay. I've known for years and I probably should've told you, but I was scared I would lose you. And it was right after we returned home and dad was home then too and I just didn't want to lose you guys."

She frowned at him before pulling him into a hug. "Oh, sweetie. I would never hate you for who you like. I don't understand why people are that way to their children and I'm sorry you were so scared to tell me."

"I'm so happy you don't hate me," he muttered against his mother's shoulder.

"Anything else I should know?"

"Yeah, Caspian is sort of... my boyfriend."

She broke out in a smile. "That is wonderful, sweetie. He is a very kind and respectable boy." She reached over and pinched him on the cheek teasingly. "You certainly got lucky. Boys like him are hard to find."

"I suppose I did get lucky, didn't I?" Edmund agreed with a little laugh.

After a couple more minutes, he went up to his room where Caspian was waiting for him. "Hey, Ed. What happened to your nose?"

"It's nothing. Just a stupid ex boyfriend."

Caspian gave him a nod. "You look like in a surprisingly good mood for having just been punched."

"Thats because I just came out to my mum."

"What?! That is great, love. Truly great," Caspian told Edmund as he cupped his face in his hands.

Edmund connected their lips together into a slow kiss. As the kiss deepened, he climbed onto Caspian. Caspian briefly pulled away. "Are we going to get interrupted again?"

Edmund looked around briefly as he played with the hem of Caspian's shirt. "I don't see Lu anywhere around so... I think we are good."

Caspian connected their lips together again and Edmund felt himself melt. Caspian and his fucking effect he had on Edmund.


I'm back 😀 This story will have one more chapter and an epilogue.

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