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Edmund woke up the next morning by a sobbing Lucy shaking him awake. Caspian was sitting up in his hammock. He looked shocked and on the verge of tears. "Ed it's Susan." Lucy sobbed.

Edmunds face fell. "What's happened now?"

"It's bad. Like really bad. Aslan just sent news that we need to go back to England now so get ready because they are sailing now to meet up with Aslan." Lucy instructed as she exited the room.

Edmund stood up and sat down next to Caspian on the hammock. He rested his head on the older ones shoulder as Caspian draped his arm around Edmunds torso. Caspian connected their fingers with his free hand and gave Edmund a quick kiss on top of his head. They sat there in a comfortable silence for a moment.

"You okay, Ed?" Caspian asked.

"I'm okay, just shocked and overwhelmed by this sudden information." He smiled. He fidgeted with ring on Caspian's finger and lifted his head so he could look in Caspian's eyes. "Are you okay, Cas?"

Caspian gave him a small nod. "I think. I just wish I could come with you guys. I would like to say goodbye to her." He answered, saying the last part sadder then the rest.

Edmund gave him a quick peck on the lips. "I know I wish you could too, but someone has to stay here and rule Narnia."

"Yes, which reminds me, i'm going to have to temporarily take back the title as high king while you are gone so try not to freak out on me this time love." Caspian teased.

"I'll think about it." Edmund smirked, pressing a soft kiss to Caspians nose.

"You missed my lips darling." Caspian smirked and Eddie smiled before Caspian inched forward and connected their lips into a slow and loving kiss.

They both loved these moments because they felt safe and like all their problems suddenly faded away, but they knew eventually these moments had to end.

There was a soft knocking sound on the door. "We have to leave in 5 minutes." Eustace's voice came from outside the door. "So be ready."

Eddie sighed as he rested his head on Caspians chest and the older one gave him a kiss on the forehead. "I don't want to leave. I like it here, with you." He frowned.

"I know me to, but you have to."

"Will I see you again?" Edmund asked.

"I'll make sure of it." Caspian promised.

"Good." Edmund smiled before getting up.


Reepicheep, Lucy, Caspian, Edmund, and Aslan were standing on a beach with a huge wave in front of them. "Welcome children, you have done well. Very well indeed. You have come far, but now your journey is at a end." Aslan spoke.

"Is this your country?" Lucy asked.

"No, my country lies beyond."

"Is my father in your country?" Caspian asked.

"That is something you will have to find out for yourself, but you should know if you continue there is no return."

He walked forward to the waves and put his hand through before glancing back at his boyfriend, who looked worried, and giving him a smile. Caspian started walking back towards them. "You aren't going?" Edmund asked. Caspian shook his head. "Cas go, don't let me hold you back."

"I don't think my father would be very proud knowing I gave up what he died for." Caspian answered. "I spent to long wanting what was taken from me and not what was given. I was given a kingdom and the best people." He stated, looking at the 3 people that stood in front of him. "I promise to be a better king."

"You already are." Aslan stated.

"Think it's about time we get home to Susan, Lu." Edmund stated.

Lucy turned to look at him. "Yeah. They need us."

Reepicheep hugged Eustace before riding over to waves and to Aslans country. "This is our last time here isn't it?" Lucy asked.

"Yes, you have grown up my dear one, just like Peter and Susan." Aslan answered.

"Will you visit us in our world?"

"I shall be watching you always. In your world I have another name and you must learn to call me by it."

"Will we meet again?" Lucy asked.

"Yes, dear one. One day." Aslan answered before turning his head and roaring. An opening appeared in the waves and the three walked closer to Caspian. "I want you to know I think of you all as family. Well, besides Ed because that would be weird." They stifled a watery small laugh and smile. "And that includes you Eustace."

Eustace smiled at him. "Thank you."

Caspian turned to the sad looking Edmund and pulled him into a hug. "I love you." Edmund whispered.

"I love you too Ed. I'll figure out a way for us to meet again, I promise." Caspian whispered back.

"I know you will." Edmund smiled as turned his head slightly so he could give Caspian a quick kiss on the cheek before pulling away so Lucy could hug him.

Lucy then moved on to hugging Aslan and Edmund gave Caspian a quick kiss on the lips before walking back over to the waves. "Will I come back?" Eustace asked.

"If Narnia is in need for you." Aslan answered.

They all turned and Edmund gave Caspian one last smile before the waves covered them and he couldn't see Aslan and Caspian anymore.


Year 1944

They were now sitting back in Lucy's room in London. The three shared a sad look before they heard a voice come form downstairs. "GUYS! ARE YOU UP THERE!" Peter's voice came from downstairs.

"YEAH!" Lucy yelled loud enough that her brother could here.

Seconds later Peter opened the door and smiled when he saw the painting on the floor and water and the still slightly flooded room. "You guys went back to Narnia didn't you." Lucy nodded. "Are Caspian and Edmund finally together?" He smirked.

Edmund laughed and nodded. "Yeah we are." He smiled.

"Took you long enough." Peter smiled.

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