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"Ed, wake up," Peter said, shaking him.

"10 more minutes," he mumbled. Peter had enough and pulled him off the tiny cot and Edmund hit his head on the ground. "Ow, Peter! Jerk..."

"Now get up." Peter left the tent and Edmund rubbed his head.


Edmund was finishing getting ready when someone came into the tent.

"We're leaving now Ed," Caspian stated.

"Okay, coming," he replied, getting up and following Caspian out of the tent.


Edmund was watching carelessly for a sign from the Narnians, flipping the torch around carelessly as he did so. The torch slipped from his grip and landed next to a guard. He quickly ran down to get it and the guard began to turn it on and off, but in the wrong way confusing the Narnians that were waiting for the signal.

Edmund jumped on the guard. The guard quickly reacted and they started fighting. He suddenly heard Peter's voice. "Help me! Now Ed now!! Signal the troops!" His brother yelled.

"I'm a bit busy Pete!!" Edmund yelled back. He hit the guard with the torch and signaled the Narnians. The talmarines were coming out of the castle as the Narnians entered and they all started fighting.

"For Narnia!" He heard Peter yell. He then heard A soldier yell "Archers!" as the archers lined up, ready to shoot.

When Edmund saw one of them aiming for his brother he slid down the roof, pushing the telmerine off. Peter and Caspian noticed this, but they also noticed something else.

"ED!!" They both yelled. A bunch of soldiers were approaching him. Edmund ran backward into the tower behind him. He fell while locking the door behind him, twisting his arm in the process. He winced in pain grabbing his arm and then the torch.

The gate was closing below him so a minotaur ran under it to hold the gate up. When the soldiers knocked down the door he moved to the edge of the tower and fell backward. A griffin caught him though. He watched as the guards started shooting the minotaur and how it eventually collapsed to the floor, only half of everyone escaped that night.

Peter looked horrified as he watched the rest of them die. "Pete the bridge!" Edmund yelled from above. Peter and his horse quickly jumped over the bridge that was rising and they all left.


Peter was pissed at Caspian and everyone now. "What happened?" Lucy asked when they got back.

"Ask him," Peter said looking at Caspian and rolling his eyes.

"Me?! You could've called it off. There was time!" Caspian defended.

"No, there wasn't thanks to you. If you kept to the plan those soldiers might be alive!"

"And if you stayed here like I suggested they definitely would be!"

"You called us remember!"

"Yes, my first mistake!" That hurt Edmund even though he knew it wasn't directed at him.

"No, your first mistake was thinking you could lead all these people!" Peter started walking away.

"Hey!" Caspian yelled. "I'm not the one who abandoned Narnia!"

"You invaded Narnia! You have no more right to lead us. You, him, your father. Narnia would have been better off without the lot of you!"

Caspian yelled and pulled out his sword.

"Guys stop!" Edmund yelled carrying an injured Trumpkin. Lucy ran over and began to heal him. Caspian ran off, Susan following him and soon Edmund.

He found his sister and Caspian kissing. He quickly ran away.


"Guys I bet you can't guess what Susan just told me," Lucy said, running into the tent with Susan and Caspian following her.

"What now Lu?" Peter sighed.

"Cas and Susan just kissed and are dating now. They apparently are in love which I don't understand." Lucy exclaimed. Peter started teasing Susan. Caspian just smiled. "I am also younger than you all though."

"I'm older and I don't think I want to understand," Edmund said quickly rushing out of the tent.

"Edmund!" Peter and Lucy yelled running after him. Edmund sat on one of the rocks and started crying.

"Edmund what's wrong?" Lucy asked, her and Peter rushing to his side.

"Nothing I'm fine," Edmund responded plainly.

"Ed, tell the truth. You aren't fine. What's wrong? Is it because of me being a jerk earlier? Or you don't like the idea of your sister dating your best friend?" Peter asked.

"I said I'm fine!" Edmund snapped.

"Edmund, please tell us what's wrong," Lucy stated.

"Fine, you want to truth? I'm gay and I like Caspian. Judge me all you want because I know it's weird. I don't know, I guess I thought Caspian might actually like me," Edmund finally confessed.

"Ed..." They both replied, pulling their brother into a hug.

"We would never judge you I mean look at me," Lucy said with tears in her eyes. Edmund laughed slightly with tears falling down his cheek. Peter and Lucy had proud tears in their eyes as well.

"Ed, we will always support and love you. Also, I'm sure Caspian does like you just give him some time to realize that. I mean who wouldn't like you, Edmund." Peter smiled.

"Peters right, I can just feel it. Cas does like you, but he's too dumb to figure it out so I suggest that you make him figure it out. By that, I don't mean change yourself. Just show him your true happy personality and try to hang out with him more," Lucy suggested and Peter nodded.

"Thanks, guys." Edmund smiled. "Can I be sad when I'm not around Caspian though?"

"Of course you can be, Ed," Peter responded. "Just try not to let Susan find out because no one likes an angry Susan." All three of them laughed.

"She does get pretty scary," Lucy agreed.

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