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"Ed wake up." Caspian said calmly, playing with the younger ones hair.

"Go away I want to sleep." He mumbled.

"No you have to eat love. Now get up."


When they finally got out there Peter was waiting.

"You guys took to long and are getting to suspicious now. You have to breaks up with her Caspian before she finds out the wrong way. Lucy just had to go sidetrack her because she almost walked in there." Peter stated.

"Sorry it was my fault. I wouldn't get up."

"Ed it wasn't your fault she is going to find out eventually."

"Then break up with Susan before she finds out the wrong way Cas!" Edmund yelled. He was sick of having the same conversation everyday.

"It isn't that easy Edmund!"

"It sure sounds like it is! It's 5 words and it's over."

"You don't understand!"

"Then make me Caspian!! This isn't working because you won't communicate with me." Edmund said and then walked off with Peter. Caspian ran into his tent and sat on the floor. He didn't know why he couldn't do it. He sat there scolding himself and crying.

"Are you okay Edmund?" Peter asked.

"Yeah just frustrated. I love him so much, but he won't communicate with me and we're constantly fighting over the same things everyday. It's getting annoying because I just want everything to be easy, but it's not."

"He needs to break up with her. It's getting unacceptable at this point because he should know how to break up with someone and not cheat."

"I know... Maybe Lu can knock some sense into him."

ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚

Peter, Lucy, and Edmund were playing in the river when Caspian came running up to them.


"What Caspian." Edmund sighed. He was still annoyed at him.

"I broke up with Susan." Peter and Lucy's mouths fell open and Edmund smiled.

"You did?"

"Yeah. You're right it wasn't that hard." Caspian smiled hugging Edmund.

"I honestly didn't think you would." Peter stated.

"Yeah same." Lucy agreed.

"Neither did I." Edmund laughed.

"What can I say. I'm full of surprises but I have to go now so bye." Caspian quickly kissed Edmund and then ran back to camp.

Edmund ended up going back to camp too because he wanted to apologize to Caspian for earlier and once he left the other two got serious.

"I don't think he actually did it Peter. We need to go after them right now." Peter nodded and they left.

By the time they got back to camp Edmund was running back to them with tears flooding out of his eyes. Susan and Caspian were running after him.

"Edmund!! What happened." Lucy said pulling her brother into a hug.

"Ask them! She knew the whole time because he told her. Caspian has just been playing me the whole time." Edmund cried out.

"Edmund that isn't true..." Caspian stated.

"Yes it is Cas! We're over and we aren't friends either. I can't even look at you right now! Also Susan you are a horrible sister." With that Edmund and Lucy walked off.

Peter punched Caspian in the face and then followed his siblings. "I hate him so much."

"Peter right now isn't the time to be mad! Our brother is certainly sobbing and you won't stop talking about Caspian." Lucy sighed.

"Right sorry."

ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚

Edmund now felt better and they were all talking and laughing.

"You really got straight to the point Ed and spoke your mind." Peter laughed.

"I mean as he should. They don't deserve your love nor friendship." Lucy smiled.

"Yeah. I can't believe Susan did that though."

"Yeah neither can I." Peter agreed.

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