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Lucy and Gael were cuddling in their bed when Casmund came in and jumped on their bed. "Wow, a warning would be nice." Lucy joked.

"Nah. My job is to be your annoying brother but on a serious note." Edmund smiled.

"What's wrong now Ed?"

"It's Susan." Caspian sighed fidgeting with the ring on his finger, the one that Susan had got him. It wasn't a romantic ring, more of a friendship and goodbye ring. They both never took their rings off because it reminded them of each other.

"Oh no." Gael frowned at the three of her friends. She had learned by now of Lucy and Edmund's sisters' sickness.

"She has got worse and has been moved to the hospital." Edmund frowned his tone serious. "Peter doesn't think she will make it because of how bad it's got. It's apparently her heart and they are going to possibly try surgery, but it's risky and she doesn't have much time left anyway so they don't know what to do."

A tear rolled down Lucy's cheek and Gael frowned, wiping it away and pulling her girlfriend into a hug. "It's okay love. I'm sure she will be okay. The doctors know what they are doing."

"Yeah, but even they don't know what to do and aren't very hopeful." Lucy cried out.

"She's right." Caspian gave him a look that said 'not helping' "I'm just thinking logically Cas! Lucy is right, the doctors don't know what to do. It's an unidentified sickness. It might not even be her heart that's the main thing and surgery might not be the thing to help her, but to kill her instead!" He yelled at Caspian.

He was fighting back tears and taking his anger out on Caspian who knew his boyfriend well enough to know he didn't mean it. "Edmund calm down and take deep breaths. You are going to be okay."

"Shut up Caspian! You don't know what this feels like." Edmund yelled storming out of the room.

By the time Caspian went into their bedroom to go to sleep, Edmund was passed out on his hammock with dried tears on his cheeks.


When Cas woke up the next morning he found out that Lucy had spotted the blue star so he went to wake up Edmund who was still passed out. "Edmund." He whispered kissing him on the forehead, he didn't move so Caspian kissed him on the lips which woke the other up. Edmund immediately pulled the older one into a hug.

"I'm sorry Cas. I didn't mean to be a jerk."

"It's fine Ed. I'm not hurt and I know you didn't mean it. It's not easy knowing your sister is dying and I'm sad and she's not even my sister. I can't imagine how hard it is for you, lu, and peter."

"I'll be okay." Edmund smiled, but deep down he felt like he was dying and slowly sinking into a deep hole. He could cry and scream, but he was a king who already showed too much weakness. So he bottled up his emotions and acted like everything was okay.

"Lucy saw the blue star. Everyone is getting ready to go into battle. So we should probably get ready love."

"You're right."

Soon the two were ready and Edmund was trying to get on his armor. Caspian walked over and helped him. "Thanks." He smiled.

"No problem." Caspian smiled at his boyfriend as he stepped in front of him and then frowned.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing... just nervous," Caspian answered quietly. "I'm afraid I'm going to lose you in this battle I guess."

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