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Monday morning came round very quickly for mollie. She was unsure of how to handle it but she would try damn hard to get through the whole day. Mollie had always hated school, she wasn't the smartest kid on the block but she wasn't dumb by any means.

"Mollie you need to get up for school hon" Meredith burst into the girls room waking her from her morning cocoon of her bed.

"Hmmmph ugh fine I'll be down in a minute" mollie groggily woke up rubbing her eyes. She went into the bathroom and brushed her teeth, washed her face and put on some light makeup. She then wandered over to her wardrobe and picked out a nice cami top to go underneath her oversized flannel shirt. She paired this with some ripped jeans and her airforces.

Mollie entered the kitchen and had a smoothie for breakfast, she had packed her rucksack the night before.

"Ready to go mol" Addison put her arm round her shoulder

"Is Meredith coming?" She asked

"I'm here mol let's go" Meredith ran through to them and ushered them both out the door".


They pulled up at the school and Meredith walked her into the school office. She briefly had a chat with mollies form teacher and guidance staff before kissing her head and letting her go.

"Bye Mer love you" the girl said before quickly rushing off head facing the ground as her teacher took her to her home room.


They arrived in the home room and mollie just found a desk and sat there not knowing anyone. It was very daunting for her so she stayed quiet hoping to not draw attention to herself. It didn't take long for her to get noticed by a group of boys, they were walking over to her which she did not appreciate because everyone now knew of her presence.

"Hey look lads it's a new bird on the block" one boy with dirty blonde hair and nice tan skin said.

"Oof she's a fit one, what's your snap" one of them questioned, she didn't say anything to them she was so awkward.

"She don't speak, aw are you nervous have you ever spoken to a boy before. I bet your still a virgin" one of the girls started laughing at her as she spoke. She was surrounded by others it was obvious she was the mean popular rich bitch that everyone pretended to like but nobody would admit that they didn't actually like her.

"Guys stop leave her alone" a boy and a girl said simultaneously to them

"Ugh your boring can't we have any fun round here nerds" the group spat back at them.

"Thanks" mollie awkwardly whispered at them.

"No problem they are such pains in the ass don't worry too much" the girl spoke

"I'm Chloe and this is James" she offered

"Hi I'm mollie" she said to her new acquaintances.

"Can we sit" James asked

"Yeh go ahead" mollie replied nicely feeling slightly better she had some people to talk to.


Just then their reg teacher walked in and started to introduce herself and then she introduced mollie to the class and mollie just stood awkwardly hoping this would be over as soon as possible.

Once that was over she got handed her timetable and was sent off to her classes

Luckily for her she had Chloe and James in most of her lessons so they could take her to and from lessons. Unlucky for her she sat next to the dickhead boy she encountered earlier who was named Nathan. Her first 5 lessons were fine until her last lesson she was sat beside Nathan once again.

"So chick not seen you round much. Your hot so that's the only reason I'm speaking to you not to be blunt or anything"

"Anyway I need help with maths so how about you come to mine and help me" he asked her well he didn't really ask he more demanded her to come over.

"Um I don't know you so I'll pass" mollie nicely declined his offer.

"Sorry princess that's not going to do" he moved his hand to the inner part of her thigh and squeezed it hard, mollie felt very uncomfortable so she excused herself to the bathroom very quickly.

"Need help" Nathan was behind her clearly following her

"No I'm fine can you stop following me"

"No can do princess I get what I want" suddenly he grabbed her by the arm and pulled her into the janitors closet. His hand went to cup her boobs she pushed his hands off and headed for the door but he reacted by pulling her hair and pushing her against some boxes.


Mollie opened the door to the home she now lived in. Addison greeted the girl with a hug

"Hey baby how was your day" she asked sweetly

"Fine" mollie replied rather bluntly as she ran up the stairs shutting her bedroom door and curling up on her bed.

She was thinking of the school day today and the thought of having to go back made her shiver. The thought of seeing him again and what he would do to her was making her nauseous. She couldn't tell Addison or Meredith this was her secret nobody could find out about because if someone found out she was for sure dead.


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