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Thank you @gaecrap101 for the inspiration for this chapter

Meredith and Addison walked into their bedroom with a child's size serving of spaghetti bolognaise along with some snacks so mollie didn't feel so alone eating her food.

"Hey babe here's some food" Meredith sat the plate of food on the bedside table while she and Addison sat either side of her curled up body.

"Baby sit up for us please" Addison stroked the girls unwashed hair brushing it out with her fingers

Mollie slowly lifted her exhausted body up and rested her back on the head board and stared into space with puffy red eyes that were obviously tired from crying.

"I'm not hungry"

"Mol try and eat some of it"

"NO IM NOT EATING IT I WILL GET FAT" she ran into the corner and collapsed into tears clawing her hair out of her head

Meredith just pulled mollie into her arms as she chucked the bowl of food at Addisons feet, all Addison could do was pick up the bowl and walk out of the bedroom without another word.

Addison washed the dishes and then sat down and watched some telly trying to subside the sudden urge she had to purge. No she was not going to relapse but she was so scared and she wanted to be in control of something. Addison gave into the urges and she put on the tap so the noise of her throwing up wouldn't alarm Meredith.

Addison felt better much better, although only temporary. Addison walked into her bedroom to find it empty, not thinking anything of it she just got herself ready for bed without Meredith, and for the first time in a long time she cried herself to sleep without the comfort of her fiancée. Addison wouldn't blame Meredith because she was just trying to help the troubled teen but Addison couldn't help but wish Meredith would notice something was wrong with her.


A few days pass and the same routine continues, Meredith and Addison would rotate days in work while the other cared for mollie although Meredith and mollie had a better relationship for the moment, Addison still wasn't eating enough she would have an orange per day. Mollie was obviously still struggling so Addison decided not to let her troubles tear her fiancé away from mollie who she realised needed them both.


On Monday morning it's Addisons turn to go into work, she only has one surgery today which is good as she has been loosing weight so she's feeling rather dizzy more often than not.

"Bye Mer love you look after mol" Addison kissed her fiancée goodbye as she did every time she went in for a shift

Meredith kissed her back "I love you too Addie have a good day"

Addison and Meredith's love had not grown weaker the issue was that Meredith was so caught up with mollie she didn't have time to worry about Addison, she didn't blame Meredith she would probably do the same.


Addison arrived at work and headed straight to speak to her patient whom she would be removing non malignant growths from the baby whilst it was still in utero. This was not an uncommon problem and Addison had performed it flawlessly since she was a resident so she wasn't worried in the slightest. Once her patient was prepped and ready she scrubbed in and started the procedure. About 3/4 of the way into the surgery just as she was about to close a massive wave of dizziness overcame her so she stilled

"Doctor Montgomery are you okay" a worried resident who was observing the foetal monitor called out

"Yes I'm fine keep your eye on the monitor I just need a minute"

Within a matter of seconds Addison was hitting the floor and everything went black.


Sorry this took so long to get out I have my gcse exams soon so I'm extremely stressed out lol but I'm feeling more up to writing at the minute. Also disclaimer Meredith still cares about Addison it's just mollie is struggling and Meredith is focused on helping her, and Addie doesn't want to burden Meredith with her feelings on top of mollies. (No Mer slander will be tolerated xoxo) I appreciate you all so so much xx

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