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The women tried their very best to keep their normal routine, not dwelling on the past and focusing on the future. This had worked....for about two weeks, but the women couldn't handle it anymore. They didn't want a life without mollie in it.

"I'm calling in" Meredith abruptly said as she stormed away somewhere. Addison thought this was strange of Meredith, so she obviously followed her, concerned for her wife.

"Mer what-"

Meredith was pacing round their bedroom, her hands shaking like a leaf.

"She's not coming back, she's gone and she's not coming back" Meredith muttered to herself


"Meredith" Addison called to her wife to get her to come back to reality

"I'm going to the toilet"

"Nope you are not going in there Meredith, you will not hurt yourself. Come sit on the bed and we can chat through it together" Addison took Meredith's hand and led her towards the bed.

"I've tried so hard to focus on my work, trying to ignore the feeling of emptiness in the pit of my stomach, but I just can't. I miss her so much. It hurts Addie it hurts that she isn't with us right now, god knows how she is doing. She hasn't even phoned us, not once!"

"Mer I know, I have been feeling the exact same but maybe mollie is getting on really well with her aunt. We obviously don't know how she is, but we can only assume she has taken really well to the change. We should be happy that she is with a family member and is finally happy"

"But what if she's not Addie. So many people have done unspeakable things to that girl, what if her auntie isn't being good to her?"

"We can't think like that Mer, we have to focus on the positive because otherwise we are just torturing ourselves, we don't need that right now. We are both doing so well we can't afford to mess that up right now"

"I know but it's just so hard Addie. I'm going to sleep now, I want to not think about this anymore"

"I'll be here when you wake up" Addison kissed Mer on the forehead and turned out the light.


At roundly 5 o'clock in the morning, the phone rang. Addison woke up and answered groggily.

"Mum I need help" mollie squeaked on the other end of the line.

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