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Mollie decided to sit in Addisons lap, and Meredith was sat in front of mollie with her hands on her legs calming her with only her touch.

"Umm I don't know where to start. Everything in my head is so messed up right now"

"Just try your best okay love" Meredith comforted placing mollies favourite fluffy blanket over the girls legs

"The first 2 weeks were fine, I was obviously unhappy to be around but it was fine I guess. Um then my auntie invited her boyfriend round and they would hit me and abuse me until I was knocked out. The night I phoned you it was really bad, and my aunt usually just stood there laughing at me, calling me names and telling me how much of a fuck up I was."

The girls demeanour was really unnerving for the two women, she wasn't crying or thrashing about. She seemed perfectly calm, but not the relaxed kind of calm, the numb kind. Her catatonic state was warranted due to her trauma but mollie had never been one to mask emotions or try and shut her brain off from the reality of her situation. The women were scared of her having a major breakdown, usually that is what follows after a period of severe catatonia, they would have to watch her very closely, ensuring the house was safe and secure ready for the moment she would break.

For now though the two just sat and listened to her talk about the most random things, the girl often asking about their lives and how they had been getting on, drawing the attention off herself.


It was the end of the day and mollie had done her photo line up and questioning with the police officers. The two women watched as mollie answered questions and picked out her rapist from a line of photos with no emotion showing on her face. It was like she was a ghost, unable to feel anything.

The two could finally take her home though, physically she was fine just bruised but mentally she wasn't there at all. They could all sense this bomb about to be set off when mollie eventually did break down into pieces and the couple had to make sure they were mentally ready for the challenge. They booked a joint therapy appointment for the next day to gain some advice from their psychologist who had been through hell with the two women, and they saw each other as close friends now, whilst obviously keeping that relationship professional.


It was 9pm when Addison, Meredith and mollie returned home that evening. The two kissed mollie on the head before she shuffled off to her bedroom.

"Addie I'm worried about her I just don't know what to do. I don't want her to completely breakdown" Meredith sniffled, feeling overcome with emotion.

"It's okay Mer, we will cross that bridge when we come to it. All we can do is wait it out. She will breakdown yes but at the same time that is also her healing from the trauma she has been through" Addie scooped Meredith up and they both got dressed and crawled into bed, Meredith tangling her legs with Addisons seeking comfort from her warmth.

Mollies POV-

When I crawled into bed I couldn't sleep. I was so paralysed with fear that I physically couldn't no matter how tired I became.

I knew I should tell Addie and Mer but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I'd been too much of a burden recently, and the fact I felt so numb stopped me, I hoped it would pass but it never did.

I laid there the whole entire night just thinking, scared to move, scared to breathe.

6am rolled around and I decided to get up, after getting 0 hours of sleep, I made myself a black coffee to try and wake myself up some.

Both Addie and Mer had today off work because they had an appointment, obviously due to the past few days I had to go with them because I wasn't trusted to be left alone and that was understandable.

It was seven o clock when my two mums rolled out of bed. Watching them sleepily walk down the stairs always made me giggle, they weren't morning people. You would have thought they were used to getting up early, being surgeons and all. But nope they were always walking zombies.

"Hey little one, how was your sleep"

"Good thanks Addie"

"I'm off to go get ready moms"

"Okay" they both shouted in unison


We arrived at the appointment centre 10 minutes early

"Mol are you coming into the waiting room or do you want to sit in the car whilst we go in?" Meredith asked me

"Can I wait here, I don't want to see anyone right now"

"Of course munchkin. We will only be 30minutes then we can get you back home and we can watch some telly" Addison spoke up from the drivers seat


I nervously waited for my two mums to appear out of the office, and eventually after 45 minutes they did. I started to get anxious, I like everything to run smoothly, I like routine. I understand they can't help it but I just don't like it when things get all messed up.

"Your late" mollie bluntly states when the two women enter the vehicle

"So sorry mollie" Meredith said apologetically

Mollie didn't say anything though and the they just drove home and decided to speak to the teen about it when they got back home. 

Mollie was feeling super out of place once she arrived home. She was hurting so the only way she found to ease that pain was to hurt herself. She went into the bathroom and did what she needed to do before exiting and going to her room to sit down.

The two women were super worried about mollie and her recent behaviour, she was a lot more short tempered, very tired looking and pale and altogether very emotionless, completely different to how she usually was. The two didn't really know what to do so they decided to talk to her in the morning about how she was feeling.

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