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"You need to help me" mollie clearly crying over the phone to Addison

"What do you mean. Where are you mollie"

Addison heard a crash followed by a scream. The line then abruptly cut out.

Immediately the redhead went to the police station to try get this number traced to a location.


"I need you to trace this number to a location please" Addison tearfully ran up to the front desk

"Woah miss I need some context. Was the caller someone you know?"

"Yes my old foster kid. Please she said she needed help, she has lots of trauma and I know she needs me right now please just trace the number"

"I can see what I can do"

"Please do it you have to"

Eventually the woman returned to the desk
"Miss we have traced the call and sent someone out to do a welfare check on mollie, they should be there in about 10 minutes if you want to sit tight here and wait, or I can give you a call with an update"

"I need to go home to my wife if you could call me?" Addison only just realising she left Meredith all alone in bed.

"Of course, I will get back to you as soon as i can"

"Thank you".


Addison returned home to Meredith stirring slightly, but she eventually settled one Addison climbed back into bed with her.

It wasn't long before Addisons phone vibrated from the bedside table.

"Hello Addison Montgomery-grey speaking"

"Hello, we are following up on the welfare check you asked us to conduct. I can confirm the child was in danger and has been taken to Grey Sloan for medical care."

Addison just hung up the phone at that point and woke Meredith up.


"Mhmm Addie it's 5 in the morning"

"Mollie is at Grey Sloan"


"I don't have time to explain babe we gotta go"

"Course right lemme throw on some clothes you get the car started" .


The two women arrived at the hospital 20minutes later, they immediately ran into Bailey.

"Where is she" Addison demanded

"Legally I can't tell you, just go to the place that George's dad died" Bailey hinted at them to let them know where she was

"Thank you Bailey" Meredith said as she ran after Addison.

They ran towards mollies room leaving no time to waste.

They arrived and police were standing outside her door alongside teddy Altman.

"Altman I need to see her please"

"Addison I can't let you in, you no longer foster her I'm so sorry"

"Please" Addison sunk to the floor in tears

Mollie must have heard Addisons voice because she started shouting

"Mom, mom"

"Oh baby I'm here I'm right here as is momma"

"Mom, momma I need you please" she was screaming now, In complete distress needing the two women to comfort her.

"Let me in" Addison screamed

"Fine" a nice police woman unlocked the door and the read head burst through.

Mollie was sat on a bed, with a black eye and scratches all over her neck and bruises littering her body. Her arm was in a brace,
And her hair was matted and unkempt. It was clear something terrible had happened to her.

"Mom" the girl looked up from the place she was intently staring at

"Are you really here mom or am I hallucinating"

"I'm here mol your not imagining things. Momma is here as well"

"Momma your here as well" tears were falling down mollies cheeks at this point

"Of course we are mollie we missed you so so much" Meredith added.

"In that case I really want a hug" the girl let herself break down at this point. Letting the grief settle in.

The two older women immediately went to her side and held her in their arms. Mollie eventually settled somewhat in Meredith's arms but she was still crying. Clearly whatever had happened while she was away ran very deep and traumatised her even more so than before.

Addison and Meredith's hearts broke for mollie. First she endured two different rapes within a year of each other and now clearly some physical abuse from a blood related family member. All that alongside her normal mental health issues like her self harm, depression, anxiety, drug abuse, eating disorder and cptsd. The two women have no idea how mollie keeps managing to survive after all she had been through.

"Mollie we are both so proud of you for being so so strong during the worst years of your life, I'm glad your back with us now though" Meredith stroked mollies hair, kissing her cheeks and head.

"I'm so happy I'm back with you two as well, can we just stay like this for today at least. I've done enough crying and I want at least one normal ish day before I have to relive what happened to me" mollie whimpered slightly reaching her hand out for Addison to take as she buried her face in Meredith's shirt.

"Of course mollie, we would never immediately expect you to tell us what happened to you babe. When you're ready we will listen and only then okay. Whenever you decide to tell us we will be here for you" both women made this fact clear to mollie. Not wanting her to feel pressured into telling them what she had gone through.

"Can we just sit and watch some friends like old times please" of course Meredith and Addison said in unison.


Most of the day was spent watching friends and just being close to mollie, the surgeons didn't want to push too hard considering mollie had clearly gone through a lot.

Addison and Meredith both periodically went out and checked on patients or got some refreshments, one always with mollie when the other was away. Eventually social services came to speak to them all.

"As you know, mollie should be going back to foster care. But considering you were mere days away from signing adoption papers before she was taken away, a judge has decided to grant full custody of mollie to both you and Addison Montgomery-grey if you choose."

The social worker handed a manila folder over with papers to sign.

"So when we sign these that means she's ours forever?" Addison couldn't quite believe her ears

"Yes, that is what I'm saying"

"Oh my god Mer, she's finally ours. Mollie baby you won't have to worry about ever leaving us again" the three crushed each other in a hug, crying tears of happiness at the situation.

"Thank you so so much, we will sign them right now"

Meredith and Addison signed all the papers as fast as possible and handed them over, officially granting them full custody of mollie.

It was a much happier ending than any of them could have seen coming.

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