The phone call

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TW- this chapter talks about rape and so do chapters after this, please look after yourselves before reading this fic xxxx

The next few weeks were hellish for mollie. Almost every day Nathan had either beat her up or tried to touch her up. But today was the worst of it.

Terror flashed through mollies eyes as she was being thrown down on the floor of the old pe changing rooms nobody came in. He had forcefully removed all items of her clothing and he was beating her, not in the face so nobody could see the welts and bruises she had collected over the past week. Eventually she gave up trying to fight him off, Nathan had never tried to actually have sex with her forcefully but today was different. The look in his eyes was terrifying his eyes were black almost. He entered her forcefully from behind jerking her body all the while ripping her hair out and biting her until she was bleeding.

She lay on the floor as he wiped his cum In her hair and spat on her naked body as he left with her clothes so no trace could be found.

Enough was enough and she called Addison and Meredith.

Addisons POV-

The phone started ringing as I was elbow deep in a woman's uterus

"Nurse who is calling?" I asked politely

"Mollie doctor Montgomery"

"Pop her on loudspeaker"


"Hey mol what's up I can't really talk right now I'm in the middle of surgery"

"Uh I I can you get me from school I need you now please something really bad happened I I pl-please I n-need you" she was sobbing clearly and she asked for me so I couldn't just leave her there.

"Okay hon I will be there as soon as robins can come and take over for me, if it's medical go and see the nurse until I can come and grab you alright I'll be there as soon as I can my love"

"Okay hurry please I I need you oh god I need my mum I want my mummy" she was now sobbing uncontrollably and I knew I needed to get to the school now


Robbins burst through the door and I quickly scrubbed out, got into the car and got to the school.

I got to the school office very quickly and I was frantically looking for mollie

"Hi I'm wondering if you can get mollie for me please she called me rather upset and I'm here to collect her" I told the lady

"I'm sorry but mollie didn't show up to her lesson and I cannot let you take her home unless she is unwell"

That immediately got me very concerned

"I'm calling her and finding her and taking her home, I know this girl better than you and when I tell you she needs to come home she does"


Mollie picked up immediately

"Hey mol where are you I'm at the office"

"I'm in the janitors closet in the maths corridor"

"Okay I'll be there as soon as I can love hang in there. I texted Mer and she's also on her way"

I hung up.


I asked the office lady where to find her after a lot of arguing with her.

I rushed into the closet to find mollie naked on the floor bloody and bruised. I knew what had happened and my heart broke for her.

"Oh sweet girl come here darling I got you"

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