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A few weeks had passed since mollies rape, about 7 or so to be exact and she was still nowhere near stable enough to go to school or even think about school. Meredith and Addison both had been watching her like a hawk, one day Mer would work and Addie would stay at home and the next day they would swap. They didn't mind too much because then they could catch up on paperwork when mollie was asleep.

The next morning was a morning unlike any other and it would rock the world of both mollie and Addie and Mer.

Mollies POV-

I awoke from the aching in my stomach, I must have the flu or something because before I knew it I was running to the bathroom to throw the contents of my stomach into the toilet bowl, and this time not on purpose.

"Fuck!" I was pissed, I hated being sick and I avoided illness at all costs and now I was ill.

Before I could think too much, I was again lurching forward for the toilet bowl to be sick again . I heard someone padding into the bathroom after obviously hearing me.

Meredith was immediately concerned for me
"Mollie what's up" she put her cold hand to the back of my forehead as she rubbed my back.

"I don't know" I managed to choke out before I was again throwing my guts into the toilet.

Eventually I stopped being sick but I was still clammy and sweating, Meredith scooped me up and put me in her bed beside Addison who was now awake sort of. Meredith went and took a shower downstairs incase I needed the puke in the en-suite.

"Hey baby are you sick" Addison asked worry creasing her brow

"Yeh think so"

"I'll stay off today alright kid" she pulled me to her chest and asked Meredith to call in sick for her.
I slept most of the morning, Addison came in checking on me sporadically throughout. After lunch I was sick again for a while, Addison was always there pulling my hair off my face and rubbing soothing circles on my back.


That night I wasn't feeling any better I was still throwing up way too much, Addison was getting worried and called Meredith and they both decided I would go to the free clinic for a check up.

Meredith carried me out to the car in my jammies while Addison packed a bag incase I needed to stay overnight. Tears were silently making their way down my face as I curled myself into a tight ball clutching my stomach. The ride seemed to take forever but it was only about 20 minutes later when we arrived at Grey Sloan.

I got taken by Bailey to an exam room to get checked out, they did a full work up and blood panel and all I had to do was wait for it to come back.

"How do you feel now honey" Meredith asked as Addison had went to get some coffee and check on a few patients.

"Still nauseous but a bit better".

"Good honey that's good"

"Mer can you come cuddle with me"

"Of course babe"

Meredith crawled into the hospital bed with me and she wrapped her arms round me encasing me within her body. The warmth felt nice on my peaky cold skin.

At that point Bailey walked in with the blood work in hand, not showing any emotion on her face. It was hard to read Bailey sometimes and today was one of those times. I couldn't tell whether it was good or bad news.

"Mollie something very surprising has shown up on your blood-work"

And all I could think in that moment was 'oh shit'

Here I am living despite it all Where stories live. Discover now