Unfortunate circumstances

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"Unfortunately we cannot allow mollie stay with you for anymore due to an unknown aunt coming forward and legally seizing her. Now prior to this we didn't think mollie had any blood relatives left, we are so so sorry" the social services woman looked genuinely upset for the two women as Addison took in this new information.

Addison would not break in front of the social worker. She ignored the searing pain at the back of her eyes and proceeded to stay calm on the outside at least.

"When is she leaving"

"Tomorrow morning at 9am sharp"

Addisons heart sank, she had nearly no time left with her child.

"Okay" is all she said before she got up and left

Addison locked herself in the bathroom where she started crying. She couldn't believe mollie was getting taken from her. Her sobs were echoing in the bathroom only getting louder as the realisation hit her.

She sunk into the ground. So much pain overcoming her, she didn't know what to do with herself. Her body was shaking and convulsing as she sobbed and wretched into the toilet bowl.

"Addie" it was Amelia on the other side of the door


"Let me in"

She manages to unlock the door before going back to curling into a ball on the floor.

"Oh Addie, come here" the younger girl wrapped her hands round the read heads shoulders and rubbed soothing circles on them.

"Th-they can't just t-take her from me a-Amelia" Addison hiccuped through her sobs, raking her hands through her hair, pulling and tugging to try and get some sort of relief. Amelia pulled Addisons hands from her hair and held them in her own hands

"I'm so sorry Addie, so so so sorry"

"I should be out there with them but instead I'm running like I always do, I'm pathetic Amelia."

"Stop. Stop right now Addison, you are everything to those two people out there and they are everything to you. They don't care that your not out there with them at the minute because they understand your overwhelming emotions. They are giving you time, because they love you unconditionally. I will stay here with you as long as you need then we can go back out and face this together okay." Amelia was stern with her words but her face told a different story, Addison knew she was being harsh in order for the words to penetrate through the cloud of sadness surrounding her. It worked.

"I love you Amelia shepherd" Addison stayed there for a good hour with Amelia, sobbing until she could no longer sob. Her body had exhausted itself.


Addison finally picked herself up off the floor and headed into her bedroom where mollie and Meredith were currently curled up.

"Mom" mollie peeked her head up. Eyes bright red and puffy from crying, she looked so so small like a little child.

"I'm here now mol, sorry for breaking down like that"

"It's okay mom, I just want to snuggle with you and momma tonight"

"Of course baby"

Addison sat on the other side of the bed while mollie crawled into her lap to be held. Her head resting in the crook of Addisons neck and her arms wrapped around her waist underneath her t shirt, looking for comfort.

They stayed like that for a wee while before mollie broke the silence

"I don't wanna go mom, I wanna stay here. I'm so sad, who am I going to go to for comfort" mollie started crying soft tears. The admission from mollie broke Addisons heart, she needed to protect this girl.

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