Out of reach

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"I mol she's just meeting someone at the minute"

"Hmm" mollie sounded unconvinced

"I'm going to grab a quick coffee I'll be right back"

Addison swiftly left mollies room and went into a supply closet locking the door behind her. She sunk down to the floor in tears as she thought about the past few hours, about how mollie nearly died and how Meredith nearly went into a complete breakdown and managed to hide it all from her.

All she could do was cry and cry and cry until eventually she couldn't cry anymore. then. And only then. Would she emerge from the supply closet and return to find mollie sleeping on her bed.

Addison plopped herself on the chair beside her bedside and fell asleep with her head resting at mollies feet.


Addison woke up to someone shaking her softly. It took her a few seconds to realise that it was Miranda Bailey hovering over her.

"Hey Bailey what's up"

"I have psych here to assess mollie"

"NO she's just got to sleep and I really don't want her to get admitted Bailey please she doesn't need psych"

"Addison it's mandatory that anyone who comes in who has suffering mental health be assessed by the team, you know this and especially since it was a freak miscarriage it is bound to have left her with trauma that will need attention"

"Bailey don't take her away from me please"

"I'm not but social services will need to speak to you and it is very possible that they will want to take mollie for a wee bit until they assess the situation properly"

"Bailey please no please"

"I'm sorry Addison but there is someone from social services to speak to you right now, it's going to be fine remember everything happens for a reason"


"So Addison as you know we want to talk to you about mollie and the current situation at hand, what my team and I have come up with is very reasonable considering the circumstances"

"What are you talking about"

"Addison I'm sorry but we are taking mollie and putting  her in foster care until we can properly assess the situation"

"No please don't do this, I promise mollie won't ever get hurt again please I love this child like my own" at this point Addison was crying

"I'm sorry it is policy and I assure you if we deem it fit we will get mollie back to you as soon as we can"


A few minutes after the social worker left Meredith came bounding through the door

"What happened where is mollie, Bailey told me I would find you here"

"Mollie got taken away from us Meredith that's what happened"

"What why"

"I don't know I just Mer I need to be alone"

"Addison if I left you alone I have no doubt you would spiral into self destruction, I'm not leaving you alone so c'mere and give me a hug"

Addison just melted into Meredith warm embrace, caressing her red hair as she comforted the sobbing neonatal surgeon.


2 weeks later

It had been about 2 weeks since mollie got taken away from the two women and it hadn't been easy for either of them but it was especially hard on Addison.

"Addison you need to get out of bed please"

"Go away"

Meredith had tried everything to help Addison but to no avail, she already had taken the last 2 weeks off work and could no longer keep off.

"Addie I'm off to work I'll see you later" Meredith kissed Addisons temple and rushed into work.


"Grey pit" Bailey huffed at the interns as per normal

Once Meredith got there it was relatively quiet, she was assigned some sutures to do and some bandages to apply.

"Grey bed 5" a nurse shouts at Meredith to tend to someone in a patient bay

"Hello my na- mollie" Meredith was shocked to see the girl in the hospital bed alone looking in a lot of pain


"Mollie what happened!"


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