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Morning broke, Addison woke to the sun shining on her face. Mollie was still curled in her lap, peace washing over her features. Meredith was sat with her head on the bed 

She went to go and grab some coffee for her and Meredith and wait for the sleepyheads to wake up.


She returned to find neither of them awake not surprising her in the least. She sat watching her two favourite people. Bailey slunk into the room to chat to Addison about what would be happening to mollie.

"We will need some police to come and speak with her because it is clear after the very small examination we managed on her that abuse was prominent. Obviously we haven't managed to examine her properly because she is so scared but hopefully she will manage to talk to the officers and tell them what happened to her"

"I- can we be with mollie while she is talking to officers, she dosent trust people I mean you saw her the last two times she was raped and police had to obtain statements from her"

"Yes of course, the officers know this as well. She will be okay Addison you know that right"

"Yeh but she's also having to give a photo line up of one of her rapists as well so she is getting a lot of trauma thrown at her"

"Poor baby. I'll leave you two to break the news to her. The officers will be around after lunch so it gives you a bit to tell her"

"Alright thanks Bailey we appreciate all you do for our family" the small woman hugged the redhead close to her, wanting her to know that she was always there when needed.

"Take care ads I'm always here"

When Addison returned to the room both Meredith and mollie were awake and chatting.

"Mer can you come here for a moment"

"Course, we will just be outside sweet pea"

"What's up"

"I'm planning on breaking the news about her having to do a photo line up and also her giving a statement to the police about her most recent abuse. They want to come to hospital today and kill two birds with one stone and do both the photo line up and the statement by this afternoon"

"Fuck, I'm not sure if she's ready Addie"

"Neither do I but we don't really have a choice. The most important is at least doing the photo line up. They said they will space each one out so we can calm her in between"

"Well I guess that's better, still it's going to be really traumatic for her."

"I know Mer but we need to get her some justice"

"Course, god knows she deserves it after all the shit she's gone through"


The two women walk back into the room hand in hand. Addison sits on the end of the bed while Meredith situates herself on the chair next to mollies bedside.

"Mol we need to tell you something"

"Oh... okay"

It was clear the girl could tell something bad was gonna happen from the look on her face. It was a look of pure fear.

"So the police contacted me and they said they think they found the one of the guys who raped you. They are coming in later today to do a photo line up. Usually you would go into the department but considering your injuries and the trauma you have been through the photo line up is perfect feasible in this circumstance"

"Oh okay, that's not so bad. I mean I'm terrified but I want the fucker locked away and if this will help then I'm willing to do it. Will you guys be there to hold me. I don't think I can do it without you both"

"Of course we will be there sweetie" Meredith stroked mollies hair just how she liked it, comforting her before Addison got onto the hardest part.

"Now, I have one more thing. You're not going to like it but honestly I think it's best this way. The police are coming into to ask some questions about what happened at your aunts house okay. Now I know it will be super hard considering it's still so fresh but we can just get it out of the way so you don't have to keep stressing about it"

"Umm, I I don't know what to say"

Mollie was bust fidgeting and squirming like she was uncomfortable. It was perfectly understandable.

"Mollie do you want to tell us what happened to you before you have to tell the police?" Addison went over and stroked her hair away from her face

"Yeh I think it would help. As long as you and Meredith hold me okay I'm so scared" mollie sheepishly admitted this to the two women standing in front of her, a tear slowly making its way down her pale cheeks.

"Of course. We will never ever leave you again. You're one of us now." The two women were so happy they finally had custody of mollie, they could finally move on and work on recovery. All of them.

A/N- sorry I've been MIA for ages my mental health turned to shit but I'm okay now. Sorry to leave it on another cliffhanger but I'm working on the next chapter so hopefully it will be out asap :)

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