Progress albeit slow

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Addison and Meredith tucked mollie into bed as they could tell she was exhausted.

"You promise stay with me" mollie looked concerned

"Of course we are silly billy, when have we ever left you hmm"

"That's true, love you mom and momma"


Meredith and Addison fell asleep in each others arms on the couch adjacent to mollies hospital bed, still unsure how mollie would react to being touched, she seemed to flinch when people moved too quickly around her.

Everything was going well but of course this didn't last.

"Mom,momma!" Mollie was shouting in her sleep. Another night terror haunted her dreams, causing her to shake and labour her breathing.

Addison immediately ran to the girls aid

"Mollie it's me, it's mom I'm here you're okay, wake up for me" the shaking seemed to do it and mollie snapped awake. Her eyes were laced with fear as she covered her head almost like she was bracing for some kind of impact.

"Mollie it's just me, it's mom I'm here" Addison was so confused as to why the girl suddenly reverted into this form, she decided not to touch her incase it distressed the girl further.

"What can I do mol, what do you need from me"

"I want to sleep please. Sedate me please please I just want to sleep"

"Okay I will get that sorted now for you"

"I want a hug as well but I'm too scared, can we try maybe tomorrow?" Mollie looked very ashamed of the fact her trauma was not allowing her to make use of her main coping strategy.

"Of course. I'll get your sedation now"

A few moments later mollie down the sedatives and was out like a light for the rest of the night.


The next morning Addison woke up in Meredith's arms, she decided to get up and get some coffee for the two of them and wait for mollie to wake up. Both women were working today meaning they couldn't stay with mollie all day today.

"Mer I got you some coffee, I'm off for a quick shower before rounds and then I can watch mollie while you have your shower"

"Thanks babe" Meredith said placing a kiss on Addisons head.


Mollie eventually woke up just as the two women were about to head off for rounds.

"We are both working today love, I only have a few surgeries today so I'll tell the nurses if you desperately need me to page me, if not then Meredith should be able to come okay" Addison really didn't want to leave the girl but she had to work, she had already had plenty of time off and couldn't afford to take anymore time away from the hospital.

"Okay, have lunch with me. I don't like eating alone" mollie went all quiet, it was strange seeing her like this

"Of course"

Both women went off to their surgeries, leaving mollie resting.


Merediths phone started ringing when she was trying to catch up on lost sleep in the on call room. It was a number she didn't recognise but she for some reason still picked up.


"Hi, it's detective snow here, I'm calling regarding some new evidence in the rape case against mollie"

"Oh yes hello, what rape case are you regarding"

"The one involving her stepfather"

"Okay, what are you needing"

"I will need to come and ask her some questions and come in for a photo line up, after that we can go further"

"Okay, mollie is currently in hospital after being injured severely in her aunts care, could you come to the hospital maybe tomorrow to ask some questions, she still needs to heal"

"Of course, I will be in touch, tomorrow should work but I will email you an exact time"

"Thank you so much"

The call ended and Meredith felt some relief knowing mollie would get at least some kind of justice for at least one of her rapes. She knew the girl was extremely fragile and it might just cause her to slip over the edge

She went to the only person she could for advice. Her wife.


Addison had just come out of a long, gruelling surgery. She was hoping to bump into her wife for a snuggle but luckily Meredith came just as that thought popped into her head.

"Meri just the person I was thinking of"

"Hey Addie, I was on the phone to a detective on one of mollies rape cases and they want to come and speak with her and they also want her to do a photo line up. I'm just scared she will regress but at the same time I really want justice for her"

"Oh. Not what I was expecting but how about we go and chat with Dr Wyatt about this together after our shift has ended because I'm not sure what to say. She will give us the best advice"

"Cool I'm off in 30minutes so shall we meet in the attendings lounge?"

"Yup see you there love" Addison pecked the blonde on the lips before walking away to do her post ops and handover for the night.


Time passed quickly as Meredith and Addison met at the attendings lounge before walking to Dr Wyatts office.

The surly psychiatrist met them at her door inviting them inside with open arms.

The two women explained their concerns about the situation and asked advice

"Well I think you should ask her what she wants to do, maybe the photo line up first and then work towards letting her tell her side of the story about what happened with her foster dad. It's going to be difficult but we have to do this over a period of time as to not spook her or force her to experience too much trauma too quickly"

"Thank you we will breach the topic with her and see if she will be willing to do the photo line up tomorrow"


The women walked into mollies room to find her awake and watching some telly.

"Hey mol can we speak to you about something quickly"

"Yeh sure"

"So we have had the detectives on the phone about your rape with your foster dad and they are wondering if they can come in and give a photo line up. It will take less than 5 minutes and all you have to do is identify the man who assaulted you to the police and we can go from there?" Addison explained to mollie who's eyes went wide just at the mention of the situation

" I suppose that's fine but can you both be here in the room with me. I'm scared" fresh tears welling in the girls eyes

"Of course"

"Can you sit on the bed beside me and hold my hand, I want to slowly get used to both of you being here because all I want is to be held but I'm really scared"

"Of course" Addison and Meredith sat on the bed beside the girl and held her hands, mollie then rested her head on Addisons lap, letting the blonde play with her hair. This was a massive step and eventually mollie curled up in Addisons lap with her head resting on Meredith's chest, listening to her heartbeat which lulled her to sleep.

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