The diary

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⚠️Tw for this chapter read at your own risk⚠️

Mollie was in the hospital for a week and a half after getting raped and they were the worst of her life. Nothing would prepare Addison and Meredith for the pain they would have to see mollie go through.

One week ago in hospital:
When mollie awoke the next morning she was screaming in distress, Meredith was confused because her pain medication was recently refilled then she realised mollie was so mentally sick that this was her reaction.

"Mollie mol breathe I'm here it's okay honey, stop banging your head off the wall your fine it's okay do you want me to hold you sweetie" Meredith didn't want to immediately grab hold of her incase she lashed out so she asked mollie calmly what she wanted.

"I I I yes hol hold me" Meredith sat beside the girl in the bed and mollie crawled into Meredith's lap wrapped her legs round her waist and put both her hands round Merediths neck and weeped her whole body shaking with the sheer force of her sobs. This broke Meredith's heart and she couldn't help but let a few tears escape her eyes before focusing on calming mollie. She was rocking the girl like a baby kissing her forehead every so often

"I Addie I" the girl tries to speak but all that comes out is chokes and more tears

"I'll page addie now then mol alright"


Addison came into the room running out of breath

"What's wrong Mer" Meredith just glanced at mollie then back at Addison and she knew exactly what was wrong

"Mol baby do you want to come here let Meredith walk about for a wee while" Addison perched at the end of the bed that mollie and Meredith currently occupied

You could see mollies slight head nodding so Addison moved closer and scooped mollie up and held her close to her chest.

Eventually mollie did calm and fell asleep once more due to exhaustion but it did not last long at all.

She was asleep for roughly 20mins at that point Meredith went home and slept while Addison was getting coffee because Bailey basically told her if she didn't go then she would "kick her ass so hard she wouldn't be able to walk and that she needed time to herself to think" then Bailey hugged her.

Mollie woke up and nobody was there so she panicked and freaked out. She was bashing her head off the wall she had ripped out her cannula and was ripping chunks of her hair from her head. Bailey heard the noise of this and ran to mollies room.

"Mollie hun breathe it's me Bailey I won't hurt you I just need you to calm down alright"

"ADDISON" was all she managed to scream out at the top of her lungs.

Addisons POV-

I was was walking down the corridor to go back to mollies room after grabbing a much needed coffee when I heard a bloodcurdling scream. I immediately knew it was mollie because the person screaming was screaming my name. I dropped my coffee and ran to her, she was a state, even worse than before I knew it wasn't Baileys fault this happened but I was still sort of annoyed at her.

"Bailey you can go" I told her rather coldly

"Mollie I'm here okay" as soon as she heard my voice she was ripping all wires and cords off her body trying to get to me.

"Woah woah I'll come to you okay honey" I went over to her bed and scooped her up cradling her in my arms.

"What happened mol"
"I had a nightmare about him" she was so distressed, her eyes wide in fear, her whole body shaking. I felt so bad for her I started crying as well I couldn't help it she was my baby I loved her and I swore I wouldn't let anything happen to her.
"Mol I'm not going to let anything else happen to you alright, just try and relax your coming home in a few days so think about that alright".

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