"When a boy ,or even when a college or university boy, I wondered a good deal as to why yogis and sadhus emphasised eradicating the "I" related thoughts and feelings. Later I was was struck with the pleasant surprise to know the truth of it.Only those people are truly great who manage to obliterate their "I" sense in their hearts and minds. This is the most powerful obstacle to a person's spiritual development.The famous Odia saint Baya Baba never referred to himself as "I" and only recently I came to know about it. He was truly an incarnation of the supreme being.The austerities practiced by a true seer are singularly aimed at eradicating the "I" consciousness.The less this consciousness,the more intense is the peaceful and tranquil state of the yogi's mind.
Unless the yogi can overcome this personal consciousness,his labours are all in vain.
This is because God doesn't have any "I " consciousness.Whenever you say "I", you are merely putting limits around your existence.You are trying your best to prevent your expansion into the unlimited consciousness called God. God can't use the word "I" in the sense in which the common man uses it.Whenever He says "I" He means nothing exists except Him and outside of himself.He is unlimitedly present everywhere and in everything.Man because of his shortsightedness boasts of calling himself "I".Now I wonder at my ego and pride which had kept me inside their illusory prison arresting my true spiritual development.
This is the reason why Ramakrishna considered himself a mere dry leaf blown here and there by the wind.I think of the limitless space and find myself as small as an invisible atom.This is the best way to lose one's personal consciousness.God can accept us only when we have forgotten ourselves.
To feel proud of yourself means to build your own prison house.The best way to eradicating the "I" is to carry on your spiritual practices secretly. If people praise you or scold you, you might fall in the trap called "I." When you have full and thorough knowledge of the evil effects of the ego,you will try your best not to react positively or negatively to any outside provocation.Those who lose themselves in the ocean of love for God can easily fulfil their concerned objective.Now you can realise how destructive the ego or pride is."
Dear friends I have been relating all this to my two young followers.Their demand was to justify eliminating the "I" consciousness. Then they were eager to know my latest psychic experience.I told them about my past experiences. Let me tell you that 1997 was a turning point in my life. I have told you how I was taken to Balasore to my sister's house.
When I was in my sister's house I told them I was holding a mental conversation with Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. My nephews and nieces considered me completely mad.
When I was talking to the Lord,I could see the dead people of my village insisting to me to request Ramakrishna to grant them moksh or emancipation from the worldly bondage...! I was not able to believe my eyes.This was totally unexpected and therefore unbelievable.It took me twenty five years of my life to realise its truth. I had rubbished it as illusory.I chanced to come across a video in which a true devotee of Jagannath who was employed by the Odisha Government in His service narrated something that startled me. He said that he knew a Muslim woman who used to come to the temple of Jagannath.The gentleman in the video was Rabindra Narayan Mishra. I intensely yearned to touch this gentleman's sacred feet.The Muslim woman used to ask Mr Mishra a lot of questions about the puja and arti timings.Once Mr. Mishra got angry with her.Then she disclosed that she was a Muslim devotee of Jagannath. Mr. Mishra was deeply moved and regretted his behaviour.Then they became good friends.
Once when the Lord's chariot was on the move,an escorting policeman howled with pain and fell to the ground.Mr Mishra took good care of the policeman and ran to the Muslim lady searching for help. When the lady heard about it she said that a spirit had entered the policeman's person.Mr. Mishra was amazed. The lady told him that there were some ghosts or spirits in a nearby tree. Those spirits were usually eager to watch Jagannath and prayed to Him for their emancipation...!I recalled the faces of all the elderly people who had pleaded with me to pray to Ramakrishna Paramahamsa for their release from the worldly bondage.Only now did I come to realise that my experience was not illusory. When they were in blood and flesh, there was the least sign of this strong desire in them to leave the world. Ramakrishna was so generous in emancipating them all except my brother-in-law who had died at the age of thirty seven.The Lord tried to release him from the bondage but couldn't do so and remarked,"My goodness..The man is so angry?" I knew how bad-tempered my late brother-in-law was. It took me long years to be convinced of the reality of what I had experienced then.
Like what I just told you, I have many such experiences but I want to get convinced of the truth of them. Now I believe all those experiences were genuine but I am also perfectly certain no one will believe in them. Psychic experiences are very common with me:they happen everyday.
Let me tell you about my experience day before yesterday. I teach a girl who is doing English Honours at R D Women's College. Her mother is a civil servant but a thorough and seasoned spiritualist she is always eager to be free from her heavy official burdens and devote all her time to pujas and prayers. I was then writing about the "I" consciousness in a man these days.That day while talking to her,I was struck with surprise when she dragged the topic into my area of research and analysis. According to her, the ego prevents our union with God..!How true!The Lord was speaking to me through her..! If you are doubtful of something the Lord instantly clears you up.
I have been praying to Sai to help my student improve her writing skills.A miracle did happen. Her written English was terrible. So I had told her mother she had to mug up answers. She did as advised.
Just to see how she would fumble for words to finish the task I asked her to write a few answers.As obediently as ever, she wrote answers to some questions.I knew that she must have made a number of stupid mistakes.But that was not the truth. She had written her answers correctly using simple English...! I was amazed and overjoyed as well. Some months ago she had written some answers and had written each sentence starting with the word "Then." And now her English was okay...! I returned home praying to Baba with my eyes suffused with tears.Let me tell you that I had given her a "copy " of Sai Satcharitra written in English.Her mother told me my blessings worked the miracle when Baba actually deserved the credit.I would like to request everyone reading this stuff to try their level best to curb and eliminate their "I" consciousness.
Don't forget that my two young friends Pranay and Imtiaz have been with me right from the very beginning of this part.They are fighting tooth and nail to get over their "I" consciousness. I meditate regularly only to achieve the elimination of my "I" consciousness. Money,fame, love,sex etc are merely traps designed by Nature to keep us hooked to this earth.

FantasyA STORY THAT IS 99% TRUE.IF I CAN HELP SOME THREE OR FOUR PEOPLE UNDERSTAND THE ALMIGHTY,MY GOAL OF WRITING THIS BOOK WILL BE 100% FULFILLED... 99% TRUE because the strange and macabre incidents I have narrated in the book may not be in the right...